for a program that tries to dtermine how many votes are in each congressional district. the program reads records that each contain a name., a Social Security number(nine digits, no non-numeric characters), and a district number from 1 to 7.the records should be read until the end of the file. Once all of the records ahve been counted, teh program should generate a report listing all 7 district numbers with their respective voter counts

sample output:


District Voters
1 123890
2 198765
3 165483
7 144912


Ive come up with this so far

string name
string district
num voterCount
num SSN
print BODY (District Voters)

and then im lost, im more along the line of confused. I know i can do a method but i get confused on the method part, like what keeps up with how many numbers do i put, do i put 999-99-9999, cause thats the max, next to ssn and do i make an array or method ,or add a sub for district count and voter count

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