1) open the table in desihn view.
2)Select the filed u want to alter.
3)Select LOOKUP tab.
4)In display control box,Select Combobox 0r listbox.
5)Under Row Sorce TYpe,SElect Value list.

I want to ask that if I select Combobox,Then in Row Source type we select Value List.
I want to ask that if I select LIstbox,Then in Row Source type we have to select ----????

Under RowSorec ,enter the Values.

Second thing,When we select a combobox we can also write the values that are not in Combobox because Comboboc combines the features of ListBox & Textbox.

When I select Listbox,It also allows me to enyet the new values in a table that are not in Listbox,But Listbox doesn't allow you to type new values.

PLz checj my above procedure for listbox & reply where I m going Wrong.

PLz checj my above procedure for listbox & reply where I m going Wrong.

The very first thing you are doing wrong is using LOOKUPS at the table level. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong....Can you tell I think it's wrong?

See here for more info about that:
The Evils of Lookup Fields at Table Level

It's okay to do lookups at FORM level, but you really should avoid lookups at the table level. It will only cause you pain and suffering later.

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