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I am building a crawler+parser in Python. It has to be run for, like 20 hours. How can I modify the code such that the code execution pauses (before next urllib2.urlopen) when the internet is disconnected, and AUTOMATICALLY resumes with the same variable values, when the internet connection is back …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for musawir_2
Member Avatar for JModak

The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)) My Code is Private Function GetXlUsedRange(ByVal filePath As String) As Object(,) Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlWorkbooks As Excel.Workbooks Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheets As Excel.Sheets Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim xlRange As Excel.Range xlApp = New Excel.Application xlWorkbooks …

Software Development listview microsoft-office vb.net
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for cambalinho

heres my RayCasting function: Private Sub DrawRays2() Dim AY As Double Dim AX As Double Dim StepX As Double Dim StepY As Double Dim VertX As Double Dim VertY As Double Dim HorizX As Double Dim HorizY As Double Dim MapX As Long Dim MapY As Long Dim HorizDist As …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for cambalinho
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Member Avatar for ddory8843

**What is e-commerce software development?** The term eCommerce was coined in 1972 and it has slowly gained popularity as a buzzword since then. Today, we understand it as an umbrella term that covers all online buying and selling, including everything from selling physical products to providing digital services. There are …

Software Development microsoft-access pascal
Member Avatar for Emanuil23
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i'm using CreateDIBSection(): Public Function NewImage(ByVal ImageWidth As Long, ByVal ImageHeight As Long, Optional color As ColorConstants = vbBlack) As Long If (Width > 0 Or Height > 0 Or hBitmap > 0 Or PointerPixelData > 0) Then DeleteImage Width = ImageWidth Height = ImageHeight 'Criar HDC MemoryHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0) …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lius

Need help with JTable header group : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.table.JTableHeader cannot be cast to id.co.aal.common.GroupableTableHeader this is the part of table drawing ..... if(tabledraw) { tabledraw=false; for (int k = 0; k < m_data.getColumnCount(); k++) { TableCellRenderer renderer; if (k==Kehadirantable.COL_ALOKASI) renderer = new CheckCellRenderer(); else { DefaultTableCellRenderer …

Software Development java java-netbeans
Member Avatar for Jan_315
Member Avatar for cambalinho

how send parameters on CreateThread()? on a class: Option Explicit Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (lpThreadAttributes As Any, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As Long, lpParameter As Any, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadID As Long) As Long Private Declare Function TerminateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hThread As Long, ByVal …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have tried several ways, but i always get an overflow error :( how can i combine the ARGB color elements? Public Function ARGB(ByVal alpha As Byte, ByVal red As Byte, ByVal green As Byte, ByVal blue As Byte) As Long Dim color As Variant color = CDec(alpha) * 256 …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for peol
Member Avatar for brooklyn1991

Hello, everyone!:) I am new to Daniweb and I would like a little help in implementing Binomial Heap subroutines in C, especially insertion in Heap. For my application it is necessary to implement max-heaps(i.e., roots storing the maximum value) in stead of min-heaps(i.e., root storing minimum value) in ANSI C. …

Software Development c data-structure
Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for Alicia_14

what unique characters are there in c? So far, I've found these: ¦ ¯ • | ÷ ¶ £ ¢ € ¥ © ® ™ › » « ‹ ‰ % ˜ 8 §

Software Development c
Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for cambalinho

see these 'for' loop: Public Function SetTransparentColor(color As Long) Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer Dim c As Long Dim h As Long Dim w As Long Dim temp As BGRAQUAD ' substitua BGRColor pelo tipo de dado correto usado em bDibBGRA h = Height - 1 w …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for snah19

Hi, I'm transitioning to assembly, starting with processor 8086. The attached code is Masm 5 compatible and is a step up from Hello World, which linked and ran okay. An endless loop exists, giving credence to this note. Any comments or suggestions to resolve it would be appreciated, thanks! .model …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for snah19
Member Avatar for jkon

Hello , I always had a distant relationship with C++ (writing in it small programs (or libs for other languages) only when performance really matters) but I have found myself writing more and more C++ bots. I learned that you need to separate the definition of the class (interface in …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Sunnyfish

Hello all. I'm relatively new to libcurl C++, and I have been hopelessly stuck. Bit of a background for this app. It is very legacy, having been made in the early 2000s. LPSTRs abound. It looks in FTPs for files from suppliers (who have an SFTP they interact with and …

Software Development c c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Apoorva_K

THIS IS THE LINK FOR QUESTION:https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/subarray-with-given-sum/0 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { long long int s,n,a[10000000000],e,d,l,flag=0,t; cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>n>>s; e=0; flag=0; for(long long int i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } for(long long int j=0;j<n;j++) { e=a[j]; for(long long int h=j+1;h<n;h++) { e+=a[h]; if(e==s) { l=j; d=h; flag=1; break; } …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Ethanbrody
Member Avatar for kukuruku

Is it OK to have if statement in the constructor Thanks [CODE] public class CTime { private int start_hour; private int end_hour; private int start_minute; private int end_minute; public CTime(int h1,int m1,int h2,int m2){ if(h1>=7 && h2<17 && h2*60+m2>h1*60+m1){ setStartHour(h1); setStartMinute(m1); setEndHour(h2); setEndMinute(m2); } }[/CODE]

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Washington AM
Member Avatar for marrywillson

AI is good for content writer. but some time AI have not perfect solution . so AI not good for future as a content writing prospective.

Software Development image seo visual-basic
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ashley_31

1. Analyze the problem below and make a c++ program to enter on the keyboard the required data for process. Compute the time of flight of a projectile and its height above the ground when it reaches the target. Display all the inputed data and the processed or compute data. …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Olive34
Member Avatar for mnoizinum

I use apple's x code, my system is OS X 10.4.11 Im getting a warning you must be familiar: [CODE]"#ifdef __DEPRECATED #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. \ Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the \ C++ standard. …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nathaliecolemadrigal.lopez
Member Avatar for Clarar
Member Avatar for LXSXX1024

I'm making a software similar to Grammarly in C++. I want to get data from the clipboard, then if a certain sequence of data that is a certain number of letters is contained in it, then it has to be replaced by a predefined string.

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Anthony6534
Member Avatar for akkbkht

I am preparing a CSharp based desktop app in VS 2019. I have 4 ComboBoxes. On the form load, the comboBox1 fetches folder names in root directory in D drive. The structure is Folder The sub folder Then sub folder then MS word documents in the 4th folder. For example, …

Software Development
Member Avatar for Mohammad_21

Hello I want to print some data that appear in Form. I print some data( image, labels....) then at point y = 415, I will print all rows of datagridview, at here all is right, but when i want to print rows that need more page, i had wrong result, …

Software Development c# vb.net
Member Avatar for Hossein_7
Member Avatar for rproffitt

https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4162573-ai-art-cant-earn-copyright-judge-rules/ give us a preview that those that use AI, ML, GPT and such may be on uncertain ground if they want to copyright the code. You may not be aware that most of the online AI/ML/GPT systems keep copies of what you generate. So if you are creating code …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Joaquim_5

how can i use CopyMemory() on VB6? i have these funcion: Public Sub Clear(BGRColor As Long) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To (Width * Height) - 1 CopyMemory ByVal PixelData(0) + (i * 4), vbGreen, 4 Next i End Sub how can avoid the 'for' loop? i …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for Gulshan_6
Member Avatar for sankar2000

Hello. I am trying to build a simple UDP multi-threaded echo server in `C` using `libhv` (library is using non-blocking events). Basically i am trying to combine https://github.com/ithewei/libhv/blob/master/examples/udp_echo_server.c with the threading of https://github.com/ithewei/libhv/blob/master/examples/multi-thread/one-acceptor-multi-workers.c I do this because i will have high amount of traffic and multiple threads will be needed …

Software Development c
Member Avatar for Sajid_21

As we transition from a monolithic architecture to a microservices-based approach one of the main challenges we're facing is implementing an efficient Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. In a monolith, we had a single codebase that made it straightforward to manage automated builds, tests, and deployments. However, with multiple loosely …

Software Development
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Member Avatar for potatochips

Hi, My Crystal Report is using VB.NET and Sql server 2005. The report can be displayed but everytime it will prompt me to key in the Username n Password.. is there anyway to automatically pass the login information to reports? thanks =)

Software Development sql vb.net
Member Avatar for lauryfriese

The End.