Respected Sir/Madam,
Hii Guys?I am harish here and i am just a starter in am interested to develop some applications in

So, I have to start things right from scratch i.e designing and coding etc... I need a sincere suggestion on what type of applications can i try as a beginner?So that ,i can sort out some ideas and proceed further.

Awaiting your response at the earliest.

Yours Faithfully,

Work with the Northwind Database.

Work with first developing inserts and deletes form a database.

Then work your way to Edits and Searches

Then work your way into Do Loops, While, Next

For Each

Its hard to say where you should start not knowing your prexisting backgorund.
but start small and work your way up.

Hello Sir/Madam

I am BCA . I would like to to talk with some s/w companies
in relation to making projects. As i know that it is hard to get a
s/w company as a developer that's why i want to make some
projects for company

Can i try in Ranka Jewelers for my project

try this ebook....
Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit

this taeches the basics as well as makes you constantly on the way to a picture viewer project...

mail me : <<Snipped>> concerning the project

If you really want help here, read about the forums.
One suggestion:

Start by NOT posting to threads that are four years old and someone elses thread to boot while asking for advice

Hi is anybody have .net projects in familycard system. if yes, please mail it to [email]Snipped[/email]

Thanks in advance

Unfortunately whoever has asked for free code in this thread to submit it as their final year project assignment has FAILED :D .

commented: You are right ... +1

is there ant one having project on petrolium
mail it to

i am in t.y.b.c.a. so i have to make a application or project in or so plz help me to find suitable company in a'bad....

Please do not resurrect threads that are years old. By doing so you run the risk of confusing current posters. If you want to ask question, start your own thread.

Thread Locked.

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