ok, on a button click how could i have the listview selected item jump to the next. so if there was a list view with 3 items and the second was selected. On a button clickhow could i make it jump to the third?


int current = this.listView1.SelectedIndices[0];
int next = current == this.listView1.Items.Count - 1 ? 0 : current + 1;
this.listView1.Items[next].Selected = true;
this.listView1.Items[current].Selected = false;

note: this will jump back to the first one when the last one was selected

commented: Thanks, very helpful +1
int current = this.listView1.SelectedIndices[0];
int next = current == this.listView1.Items.Count - 1 ? 0 : current + 1;
this.listView1.Items[next].Selected = true;
this.listView1.Items[current].Selected = false;

note: this will jump back to the first one when the last one was selected

thanks that worked. And to make it go the other way is a very simple tweak :)
Thanks again

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