Cloud-based Apps
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Hey Gang!

I'm hitting a point with my (python/mysql/linux) app …

Topic by cored0mp

Yes, it's a non-negotiable that you mass insert records into the database. In my situation, when I mentioned it was …

Mobile Development
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"Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on developing a shopping app, …

Topic by Paulmescal

You'd be surprised, but if you spend over a year on a shopping app here are two things you will …

Cloud-based Apps
Created a Topic

Hey Gang!

I'm hitting a point with my (python/mysql/linux) app for processing large amounts of network records where I need …

Search Engine Strategies
Edited a Topic

The best methods for link building include creating high-quality content, guest blogging, broken link building, social media promotion, and influencer …

Activity Stream
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Search Engine Strategies
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The best methods for link building include creating high-quality content, …

Topic by SEO Backlinks

Original Research and Data: Publish studies, surveys, or reports that provide valuable insights and can be cited by other websites.

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Zmotion Aileen
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Digital Media
Gave Reputation to Jorge_41 for their Post

How can I be benefited from social listening tools and …

Topic by andrewecook

Social listening tools offer numerous benefits for eCommerce, including understanding customer sentiment to gauge opinions and satisfaction, identifying emerging trends …

Search Engine Strategies
Gave Reputation to Jorge_41 for their Post

Hi all

Please solve me ths

Can we copy the …

Topic by supriyamrai

Copying blog content to create articles can harm your site's page rank due to duplicate content penalties. In the context …

Digital Media
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How can I be benefited from social listening tools and …

Topic by andrewecook

In today's digital age, the enormous volume of data generated by social media interactions offers businesses a treasure trove of …

Search Engine Strategies
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Hi all

Please solve me ths

Can we copy the …

Topic by supriyamrai

While blog and article content can overlap, they often differ in tone, length, and structure. Blogs are typically more casual …

Community Center
Johannes C.
Edited a Tutorial

As quantum computing slowly edges closer to disrupting encryption standards, governments are imposing export bans with peculiar undertones. This article …

Community Center
Johannes C.
Published a Tutorial

As quantum computing slowly edges closer to disrupting encryption standards, governments are imposing export bans with peculiar undertones. This article …

Digital Marketing
Created a Topic

Hey everyone,

I'm curious if anyone here has experience with HARO link building service? I've heard it’s a great way …

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Search Engine Strategies
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Hi all

Please solve me ths

Can we copy the …

Topic by supriyamrai

Blurred Lines in Digital Content. While both inform and engage, blogs often offer personal flair, while articles lean formal. Yet, …

Mobile Development
Gave Reputation to Paulmescal for their Post

"Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on developing a shopping app, and I'd like to gather some insights from the community. …

Software Development
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Hello ,

I have question regarding visual studio , I …

Topic by nalb4242

You can debug your console application on a Linux server from your Windows machine using Visual Studio's remote debugging via …

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Software Development
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I found some code on the web a while back. …

Topic by TheRoyalFalcon
cv::Mat ResultImage11 = cv::Mat::zeros(resu_textpic3.size(), CV_8UC1);
        cv::drawContours(ResultImage11, contoursTarget, -1, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, 8, Mat());

        //cv::RotatedRect ellipse;
        int rid1 = 480; …
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Reflect on your experience with object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java. …

Topic by ASubhan

Also, sorry about the super weird syntax highlighting in my code snippet above. Appropriately so, the platform attempted to apply …

Software Development
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Hi.. I've to remove a very long path. I've written …

Topic by kamaksha1

Oh, I missed that one. Wasn't 16 years ago though?

Created a Topic

Reflect on your experience with object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java. Discuss how concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction have helped …

Software Development
rory jackson
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Hi.. I've to remove a very long path. I've written …

Topic by kamaksha1

Yeah hi, it can hurt bad
Save yo' tears bro' and give LongPath Tool Program a go !

Software Development
rory jackson
Replied To a Topic

Hey, im having a problem retrieving information about some files …

Topic by Freaky_Chris

Hi Mr Freaky,
Yeah it can be a real headache, I tried LongPath Tool Program to good effect
thanks Rory

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rory jackson
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Community Center
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Hello all,

First I would like to thank all being …

Topic by Osama_Khan


Firstly, thank you for joining DaniWeb :)

To answer your question, NO, you definitely did not do anything wrong. …

Search Engine Strategies
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The best methods for link building include creating high-quality content, …

Topic by SEO Backlinks

The best methods for link building today are:

  1. Creating high-quality, shareable content that will attract backlinks naturally.
  2. Taking advantage …
Search Engine Strategies
Gave Reputation to Nancy Cooper for their Post

The best methods for link building include creating high-quality content, …

Topic by SEO Backlinks

Hello! Thank you for your question about the best methods for link building nowadays. I understand that finding the most …
