ASP.Net Books or Tutorial Programming Software Development by manoshailu Suggest any best book for the ASP.NET with VB 2005 to develop myself in developing the projects Re: ASP.Net Books or Tutorial Programming Software Development by jbennet I like the Microsoft Press "Step By Step" range. I have used these for Visual basic and so I assume there would be an ASP.NET version. Re: execution Programming Web Development by geniusvishal ASP.Net and Pro ASP.Net books. They are written by Matthew Macdonald and are the best book in the market. Even in the official… how and Regarding when It occurs when you run your application[ie, during runtime] Please Refer these articles as in… Re: best books for Programming Web Development by Netcode check out ' from Novice to Professional'but most books wont give you detailed information on crystal reports or SSRS. Those are complex courses so they exist on their own Re: Begineer of Programming Web Development by Netcode You can read if you have the time, all books you come across. No knowledge is a waste and some useful tips maybe be mentioned in the ones you decide to ignore. But for a start, you can also check out '' Re: I Need Sample ASP.NET Code Programming Web Development by dexterz … tons of trick. Check out this little app written in ASP .NET VB. This app is so easy to modify bec it… entirely in notepad declarative/inline coding style, just like any ASP .NET books sample. It's FREE! No dll,code-behind,control, just… zip file. DEMO and DOWNLOAD LINK: [url][/url] Happy coding! Dexter Zafra and Visual Studion Question Programming Software Development by GTTravis hi Guys, i am planning to teach myself using vb and c# via the visual studio 2010 ide. my issue is that many books keep recommeding visual web developer as the tool to use but i want to use Visual Studio 2010 and hence can somebody point me in the direction of a good book which will cater for my needs. Re: and Visual Studion Question Programming Software Development by |-|x You should still be able to use books that reference VS web developer edition. VS Pro includes more features, but should encompass everything in the web dev version. The general methodologies, tools and techniques used for building ASP.NET pages will be the same. Re: ASP.NET Whats better or C# ?? Programming Web Development by jbennet The .NET books by Microsoft Press (the dark coloured ones with tools on … and those who know VB Both are used. VB.NET is generally used books but in industry, most job advertisements look for… C# experience. Its easier to go from C# to VB.NET than… 3.5 tutorials Programming Web Development by san_crazy hi friends, I tried to search few best ASP.Net 3.5 tutorial in google but coudn't find one best for me. If you guys know some online tutorials or books then please let me know. regards san ASP.Net + Crystal Reports Info Seeker Community Center Say Hello! by RoyForum … encountered trying to get Crystal reports to load with my ASP.Net apps on our web server. I might find the answer… enthusiastic supporter of the FairTax. I believe that after the books of the Bible, the American Constitution is the greatest document… Re: execution Programming Web Development by JorgeM …respect to compiling into IL and so on.. [Understanding ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation](,…. I have read this book from APRESS [Pro ASP.NET 4.5 in C#](…go beyond the beginning book, but both books have chapters dedicated regarding life cycles, and a lot of core… Re: ASP.Net / C# Forum Programming Web Development by kvprajapati Don't dwell upon open source. It is not for beginners like you. Read good books and learn C#, and .net framework from the scratch. I would like to suggest a book - ASP.NET Unleashed 4.0(VS2010)/3.5 (VS2008). Re: 3.5 tutorials Programming Web Development by Ramesh S …-94DB-6C3C4A0C98A1&displaylang=en"]Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Training Kit[/URL] [URL="http://www…=en"].NET Framework 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit[/URL] [URL=""]ASP.NET 3.5… Re: and Visual Studion Question Programming Software Development by thines01 [This is the book]( I use. Re: 3.5 tutorials Programming Web Development by dnanetwork [URL=""]Try This....[/URL] Re: ASP.Net Books or Tutorial Programming Software Development by arjunsasidharan Try out the links [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] Re: ASP.Net Books or Tutorial Programming Software Development by manoshailu ok. Thank u for ur kind informations. Re: ASP.Net Books or Tutorial Programming Software Development by manoshailu thank u guys for ur informations. Re: Moving VB.NET Code to ASP.NET Code? Programming Web Development by cutepinkbunnies ……… Re: best books for 2.0 Programming Web Development by alc6379 …; book from Microsoft Press, and I agree with waterfall-- WROX books ROCK. Professional ASP.NET 2.0 is OUTSTANDING, in my opinion. Both… books contain information in VB and C#, and they cover the … best books for Programming Web Development by aldm …About 2 months ago, I decided to learn I read book ASP.NET For Dummies (2006) and try the most of… for advanced ASP.NET? I would like to read and code something about WPF, WCF, reports etc. Shorter books would be…, I only want some basics about more than beginning concepts, before starting to learn MVC. Thanks in advance… best books for 2.0 Programming Web Development by greeny_1984 hii, can any one guide me to buy which book for 2.0. i heard of two books step by step and other programmer to programmer by wrox any have different suggestions iam not a newbie ,i have some exp in with vb r there any ebooks on plz guide me waiting for u r replies Re: What is the best book to start with ASP.NET Programming Web Development by T.J … tutorials in the internet also about a books i really didnot try any books for cause im going with XML and JAVA… these days and i will let for better time… ^_^ good luck but i will try to get for you a good book nae from my Difference b/w ASP and ASP.Net Programming Web Development by svishnuvarthan Hello friends I m entirely new to ASP.Net language. I dont know anything about this except basics of object oriented programming. Can anyone suggest me good books to study ASP.Net and tell me the differences and similarities between ASP & ASP.Net. Thank in advance.... MySQL - ASP.NET - Issues.... Programming Software Development by ecashwell I'm trying to get started in ASP.NET, but I just don't understand the errors being …to my MySQL database. I have followed several examples from books and the internet with no success. Could someone look at… "UID=WebTest;" & _ "Jet OLEDBatabase PASSWORD=asp-net;" & _ "OPTION=16427" cn = New … Using ASP.NET with MySQL tutorial? Programming Web Development by bdicasa Hi guys, I'm new to ASP.NET and MySQL. I've worked with Microsoft … now I am trying to create a website with ASP.NET 3.5 and MySQL. So far I've been…out how to do this sort of thing with ASP.NET and MySQL. So pretty much I'm looking for…these two technologies together. Does anyone know any tutorials/books on this topic? I've been trying to find… Publish page from VS2010 pro Programming Web Development by DaveD3 …server 2003 running IIS 7(I think). I purchased Microsoft ASP.NET 4 by George Sheperd, which has a chapter devoted to…details. I think I created the project as a web empty form, then added web forms as needed. I …finding information in the development environment or good articles or books would really help. Being older with a bad memory … convert from to Programming Web Development by batoolhussain … have project I write in 2010, I want to translate this code to with vb but I don't… and I try to learn the but my project is about image and the books that try to learn it talk… Error creating new ASP.Net project Programming Web Development by Art0301 I am new to ASP.Net. I have Visual Studio.Net 2003 Professional running on Windows XP Professional. When I try … in any of the books about having to actually be logged onto the Internet while working on an ASP.Net project. What can…