12,085 Topics

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Member Avatar for Natique

Hi! I'm trying to send data from a mobile application written in Java ME, to an ASP.NET website connected to an SQL server. I tried to open an httpconnection output stream in the Java ME application, and send the data in a POST to the website. The problem is I …

Member Avatar for Natique
Member Avatar for DCorn

After a client sets up a personal account a email they will get a notice after a specific time frame, say six weeks. This will be used for a retail client that would like to have people sent specific services tailored for them.

Member Avatar for barnum

I'm compiling assemblies in code called from a WebService (which makes user being IIS_USR, and TEMP-directory being C:\Windows\Temp). The assembly is created alright, but it's not loaded (get exception with "Access Denied"). I want to solve this by specifying where CompileAssemblyFromDom should put the assemblies. (I don't want to have …

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Member Avatar for ziaul1234

I am final year student and developing a web application using ASP.NET for my computing project. The web application will have three user group to do the follows: Admin: 1. Add User 2. Incidident Allocate 3. Report Incident 4. View Incident 5. Report Engineer: 1. Pick Incident 2. Report Incident …

Member Avatar for markymark180
Member Avatar for sah

I want to develop a [B]web application[/B] using asp.net(C#) that can take an image from a scanner (Microtek: scanmaker 1000XL). when a "Scan" button is clicked then the application will capture the image from the scanner. The scanner is Twain compatible. Can I get any sample codes for this web …

Member Avatar for barriegrant1

so im trying to load the first 2 imageIDs from 5 galleries, so here how it works, im using a stored procedure to get the top 5 galleries (galleryID). a second stored procedure is used to load the first 2 imageIDs based on the galleryID, here is the c# code …

Member Avatar for Mark76
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i have a question in data tables. i am coding in C#. my scenario is employees have many benefits in a company such as life, health, dental, 401k and such... i have a tabel in MSSQL database to represent the employee data and a emp benefit table to hold …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for maroin22
Member Avatar for LnrdPJL

Hi I have an Access 2003 database and website that im trying to code using VB asp.net, it's basically a book and toy library website and what i want to do is have a webpage of items with pictures and when the user logs in to the site, they can …

Member Avatar for SoftwareGuy

Hello, I'm using .NET C# there. I have a textbox. I assigned it a MouseClick event. Normally the event is fired when I click the control. But if I set the textbox's [[B]Enabled=false[/B]] or [[B]ReadOnly=true[/B]] properties, the MouseClick event is not fired. How can I fix it? Thanks.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hi Guys, I want to try and remove a Server Error in '/Program' Application. When i try to delete a record which has related sub record, it cant delete obviously because of the relationship between the entities, however the average user does not no this, and they dont need to …

Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

Well my datagrid so far has the edit,update,cancel feature and it can get info back from database after entering a number into a textbox. All i need now is to get it to where I enter a number the data comes up which works and I want a blank row …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for soft_coder

Hi! I want to set the style of individual items in an asp:dropdownlist. The item may be disabled/enabled. My immediate requirement is to set the style of an individual item in a dropdown which is disabled. [CODE] ddlCategory.DataSource = dtCategory; ddlCategory.DataTextField = "CategoryName"; ddlCategory.DataValueField = "CategoryID"; ddlCategory.DataBind(); [/CODE] The above …

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

Hi all i am using asp.net uploader in my application when i am using file with size less than 5 mb to upload working fine but while try to upload more than 5 mb it gives some standard error like server may down page may not be available an all …

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hi, I Need to implement transaction with two databases. I used LINQ for one database and normal connection for other. The code I used in Buiseness Layer like: [CODE] using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { try { DataContext ObjSchool = new DataContext(); MEMLiB ObjMemberships = new MEMLiB(); ObjSchool.SCH_Students.InsertOnSubmit(ObjSCH_Student); ObjSchool.SubmitChanges(); …

Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a new functionality in my website. An e-card sender. [url]http://www.game4tress.com/ecardsender.aspx[/url] My problem is that i can initialize the webcam but i cannot set the image (source,...) inside an image control. I've tryed several thinks and google about it, but i found nothing. My main goal is to set …

Member Avatar for ramareddy_dotne

Im unable to maintain the tab order when ever my controls autopostback get executed. I hav 4 controls and my 3rd controls prop of autopostback is true.when ever autopostback is executed the control goes back to first.how 2 solve this

Member Avatar for umesh1987
Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

I am working on something for school as a final project before graduation. I am using ASP for the website and VB as the back end to code. I keep getting the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and can't figure out what is wrong. …

Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner
Member Avatar for Fortinbra

I need a way to get files from a server shared directory uploaded to a second server, but the user got to pick the files from their local PC and needed to see a progress bar. I decided to attempt this in SilverLight, however, my week of coding and modifying …

Member Avatar for jimib

Here's the code I use to show an swf file that's located inside my project (in the directory SWF. It works fine. However, SWF files are huge and I would like to keep them in an external directory. I put some in my development server (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DevServer\10.0\SWF) …

Member Avatar for shivam charan

client side code: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function closeMe() { // Code is here } </script> server side .cs file code protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkuser(UserName.Text, Password.Text)) { // i want to call closeMe() function here. } else { } }

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for robpal

Hi there, I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here. I have a SelectCommand in my asp.net page (v4) that pulls a variable from the Profile to run a subquery to get the value to test within the main query. (Confused yet?) This works for 2 of …

Member Avatar for robpal
Member Avatar for lainey_nix

I apologise if i have placed this query in the wrong forum - I'm new here. When i try to access the index or default pages of my website i get this error... [QUOTE] Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could not load file or assembly 'FredCK.FCKeditorV2' or one of …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for DotNetKnight

Hi, We are currently facing a strange issue. We are having an error logging functionality that logs errors occurring to a database. A scenario occurs where there is an error occurring in the application, custom error page comes up. When looked in the database for error description error is not …

Member Avatar for migandhi
Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hi Guys, I need a little help with Grid View, i have a grid view on display which on page load is set Gridview.Visible = false and then is visible when the user presses a button. The problem i am having is when the user presses this button and click …

Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hello everyone, i have a gridview on my form, and i have some data which gets calculated once the user select a row, however the user does not need to see a specific column. Is there anyway that i dont display that certain column however be able to use the …

Member Avatar for YMCMb
Member Avatar for migandhi

Hi All, I have configured FtpWebRequest to connect to a remote server... It works fine in the LAN... and on the local machine Now i want to know why it gives me the error :Unable to connect to the remote server while connecting to the remote server .. How …

Member Avatar for mev9669

Hi, The web application I developed throws an error to get the domain name that I set using session variable in session_start in global.asax file. The error gets resolved if I upload the web.config file. But the problem is that the error comes up again. The support st the hosting …

Member Avatar for mev9669
Member Avatar for vinothrao84

Hi All, I need desperate help. I have a group "MyGroupABC" in Active Directory (AD). In this group there are close to 100 list of users. How can i write a logic to actually to get me the list of users with their particulars details such as Name, SN, GivenName, …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for raju.manick

Hi all, my client tested my Asp Website application by IBM Rational AppScan Sofware..during that i got follwing Security Report Issues [B]1.Temporary File Download/Alternate Version of File Detected[/B] Remediation Tasks : Remove old versions of files from the virtual directory How can i Remove old version of Virtual directory from …


The End.