107 Topics

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Member Avatar for mpw5013

I'm making a simple box in the header of Joomla that displays the total quantity and total value of the cart. It works perfectly in VirtueMart, but once I leave the storefront the (Total) value is removed. How do I fix this? I would like to set a permanent super …

Member Avatar for mpw5013
Member Avatar for lobebe

Hello house, Can anyone help me with a joomla plugin for alphauserpoints, i want users' points to be deducted if video is watched. Thank you

Member Avatar for rinjin07

Hey all, I'm a total IT beginner and have been trying to figure out how to put raw html with css and javascript in the header on an article in Joomla 1.7? I heard about this JCE thing but no idea how it works. If someone could explain it to …

Member Avatar for rico001

I have what appears to be a javascript or other type of code in htpdocs of a newer Joomla site, there is a index.htm that I think is causing a 2-3 second delay for the homepages to load up? and I would like to remove this... goto myurl for the …

Member Avatar for balajim1980
Member Avatar for lwschjang

I have a new project. The site will require registered users to pay an amount to upload content to the site. Also, I would like a thumbnail scroll gallery on the homepage that will pull up random profiles (a featured profile feature). If anyone can point me in the right …

Member Avatar for balajim1980
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I'm creating a Joomla website for a client and it's a vertical menu and one of the links expands when clicked on. I know it's a Joomla default and it worked fine until I started to change the button images. It worked when it was text but now it …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for maxelcat

Hi I have a joomla site with one flash based video in it. Of course people are now saying "It doesn't work in iPads". I was thinking about using the <video> tag in html to get round this - can I just simply put a <video>... </video> tag in the …

Member Avatar for pcmaster
Member Avatar for nijicp

Hey.. I am working on a new project and I am using Joomla version 1.5.22. I need to display one horizontal search form in the middle of home page and the same search form in vertical style in all other pages but in left position. So what I did is, …

Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, so do I need much hacking or not if I want to make a feature where client after ordering could edit his order in virtuemart? I tried little bit google searching, but did not find tutorials or something.

Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, Again I am trying to do a simple thing but with joomla it is advanced. What I want to make is to show articles on front page in the way like it is in the atached picture. You can see the red bracked on the left. There is 3 …

Member Avatar for msrache

I'm sorry. The correct URL for the demo upload is here: [url]http://demo.joomlatools.eu/[/url] I can't find the edit post button. Thanks, Rachel [QUOTE=msrache;1548777]Hi, This issue specifically has to do with the CMS Joomla, particularly the component Docman. Since the only available option I have for posting this was under the category …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

Hi experts., I am back again... Now i am working in a Joomla project. Here i have a big trouble for sending mail. Once, i send a mail with entries in Contact module, it says "Could not instantiate mail function" with "Thank you for your mail". But i didn't receive …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for vijaygupta

Hello, I am building a stock market website and i want to show all commodities prices rise fall even charts later .first of i want to know whether it is possible or not.If yes please guide me through.Please help any kind of help appreciated

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, where is the best practice to put js, image, css files when you make component? I put them in the same directory as component is. Is it good practice? Or should they be in media directory?

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for art_wired

Hello, I have a client who is a graphic designer and they want to know if it's possible with Joomla! to create a splash page with options to click and visit different versions of the website from the initial splash page? Would I host the four websites creating 4 different …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ekseks

Hey guys, I don't know where to post this but I hope this is the right place. I just wanted to know if anybody's using Joomla if you are, do you know how delicious works? the site where you keep your bookmarks and can be seen by your friends and …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for bestman1985

Hi Friends I have taken linux web hosting from web hosting company in pakistan named [url]www.700hosting.com[/url] I am trying to install Joomla though the cpanel wizard. It is asking me the database username and password can some one tell me how will i get the database username and password secondly …

Member Avatar for pakistanman
Member Avatar for Elihu5991

My friends and I are building a site and are going to use Joomla. But before I delve into Joomla, I was wondering there are better alternatives. I would like Free and Commercial versions with comparisons and pricing (if it costs). The sort of site we're going to make are …

Member Avatar for ecmcircle
Member Avatar for joshdecore

hi, I need to create a joomla ecommerce template for myself. Can you give me an easy method to biuld my site, I meam template.

Member Avatar for maryparker
Member Avatar for adnank

Hello. I have some problem with a hanging text. Site is powered by Joomla, custom template. Long text should be enclosed in fixed height div, but it actually is there and also duplicated on top of a page. Here is sample [URL="http://trueenterprisesinc.com/terms-of-use.html"]http://trueenterprisesinc.com/terms-of-use.html[/URL]. I hope somebody has some idea how to …

Member Avatar for adnank
Member Avatar for lwschjang

I am creating a website where when an unregistered user comes to the site they'll only be able to access a limited amount of the site. It's only when they pay for access to the site that they can receive the full content. I'm wondering how I should go about …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for fatpages

Hi All, can anyone suggest the e-commerce engine which is well adopted to sell virtual content (e.g. downloadable content, subscriptions, promo codes)? I tried Virtuemart for Joomla and Ubercart for Drupal, but they both are really limited and don't provide the "off the shelf" flexibility for virtual goods.

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hello. I wanna integrate a site similar to [URL="http://www.superknowa.com"]http://www.superknowa.com[/URL]. In this site when you got Services menu, there they have different menu in the left side. Again when u goto Products menu they have a different menu in the left. In the other pages no menu will be shown. How …

Member Avatar for trilithon
Member Avatar for Vampdee

I have a client that is asking me to design the user specific area of a commerce site. Basically, when a user creates an account (such as an account on Amazon or any other typical e-commerce site), there would be a user specific area that would contain the purchases the …

Member Avatar for Vampdee
Member Avatar for ZER09

i hope i entered in the right place and ask this question. hello to i am new in joomla and still doing something unfamiliar, now i am trying to install resmanai but i cant install it correctly. i already installed ioncube but when and all the prerequisite for installing resmanai …

Member Avatar for jrosh

Can any one tell me about a place I can find any joomla help. Tutorials or just guidance. Thank you. Hope this goes with PHP forum since there is no separate Joomla forum.

Member Avatar for sithembisophp
Member Avatar for CNIDog

I cannot get IE to cooperate with displaying an embedded Windows Media Player on a web page. The [icode]<embed>[/icode] tag works for other browsers, but I am having no luck with IE. I am running the code within a Joomla! module on the Gantry Zephyr template. The following code snippet …

Member Avatar for demented_gurl

Hi, I would like to make an Online Course Application System. I'm just wondering, what are the frameworks,technology that I need to get started? I'm thinking of using PHP and MySQL. I've used Joomla before, but for normal web page, is Joomla capable of handling such system? Thanks.

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for umandajayo

Hi guys; I am developing a website using joomla. and Im using Chrono Form and ChronoConnectivity extensions for form handling. So using ChronoConnectivity and I am trying to display some form values. Of course no problem I can display that particular data by using ChronoConnectivity. but I need to display …

Member Avatar for umandajayo
Member Avatar for hassal

Hello, I'm developping a new joomla component, so i want to store pictures in database table in field type : blob. i'm wondery how to proceed to do this. I'm using this to get file from the form : $file = JRequest::getVar( 'img2', null, 'files', 'array' ); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $filename = …

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The End.