9,979 Topics

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Member Avatar for abey

I'm wroking on a project on VB6 that needs me to use a database and don't really know which database to use. need some advice on this.

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for gotxxmilf

HELPP!!!! i am trying to create a "VB piano" using command buttons to play each individual note. i was told the that it is best to use .midi files to play sounds in vb but i dont know. could any help with how to play sounds in vb?! i am …

Member Avatar for steve99

Hi there, Here's the code I'm using below and yet I'm getting a "Method 'Initialize' of object 'DIDiskQuotaControl' failed" at the line "vol.Initialize ........" Reference to Microsoft Disk Quota Type Library is set - do I have to set or initialize anything else beforehand? Can anybody help please? Thanks! --- …

Member Avatar for aavitale

I am creating a address book using random access files and I am so completely lost on the coding and everything. I already have it set up. But I don't understand the coding. I need to show my instructor what is working so far, but nothing seems to be working. …

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for ALAN 007

This is a ZIP file of my Program. I need help with the receipt, which doesnt not display VAT and SubTotal. ALso a command button that is supposed to remove products off the transaction doesnt work. Any help very grateful [email]kamran_bashir786@hotmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for ALAN 007

here is all my programming the problem bits that do not work is the VAT and SUBTOTAL section in the CmdPrintReceipt and the CmdReturnProduct doesnt work on the form. Any help very much appreciated. email me on [email]kamran_bashir786@hotmail.com[/email] Dim Products(1 To 20) As String 'stores products names Dim SoldProducts(1 To …

Member Avatar for ALAN 007

i have made most of my program but their are a few poblem areas the return product combo box doesnt work and i cant c y and i have to print a receipt out but i dnt know how to add VAT info on der. i need total b4 VAT …

Member Avatar for ALAN 007

i need to write a programme where the customer has a list of products to choose from and to indicate their weight. Upon doing this the price of product per Kg is displayed in another box and once the weight is entered Command Button is pressed and the transaction is …

Member Avatar for ALAN 007
Member Avatar for zeakman

need help with basic program.trying to write a program in qbasic to take in a integer calculate and print out the factorial.been on this for a long time

Member Avatar for scisoft
Member Avatar for BlackDice

Is there a way in VB to use a '#define' macro something like in c++? In C++ I can do this: #define CHECKPTR if(!ptr) AfxMessageBox("Pointer is null"); then everywhere I wanted to do that check, (of course the pointer would always have to be named 'ptr'), I could just write …

Member Avatar for ZoilaResendiz

Hi, I am trying to connect to a Microsoft Access DB using VB6, when I create a new connection I Dim DB as Connection, then Set db = New Connection. When the program is ran the complier doesn't recognize the word 'New'. Is there a link I can go to …

Member Avatar for BlackDice
Member Avatar for L3fty19

Ok I'm trying to create a program here and i have three buttons. Add Clear Exit when i enter the name/title and click add i get the name/title in the listbox but as soon as try to add a new name/title it just replaces the old one. could someone help …

Member Avatar for BlackDice
Member Avatar for TheOX1

where can i get a vb trainer template [img]http://forum.game-deception.com/images/smilies/frown.gif[/img] I want to have a timer with a hotkey to disable and enable it.

Member Avatar for BlackDice
Member Avatar for Dreamcatcher

hello all, i was wondering if there was a way to encrypt me visual basic source code so when people view it in a hex editor ore anything they will not see as much of it as when i dont encrypt it. yet i dunno how to encrypt things in …

Member Avatar for scisoft
Member Avatar for DearEphesus

Hey! I was just wondering if it was possible to make a type of "search engine" using VB. What I want to do is be able to type in something (song title), and find the matching song lyrics stored somewhere.. and have it display them? Is that possible? If so, …

Member Avatar for DearEphesus
Member Avatar for I_Byte

Hello! I'm coding a userform on a word document. I have added a DatePicker1 to the form. This is how I'm attempting to write the contents of the DatePicker1 to the document: With ActiveDocument .Bookmarks("DATE").Range.InsertBefore DTPicker1 End With But it doesn't work. Any ideas? :lol:

Member Avatar for Sk0da

Does anybody have any tips on deploying VB6 apps onto other platform like XP. I use Win2K for development. The problem is that there are so many DLL to copy over. Is there a good cheap tools that can help on this so that once I compile and create the …

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I have another problem here. I placed a button onto the first tab of a tabbed control with 5 tabs. The button cannot be clicked during runtime. Why is this? Don't think the codes in the btnEdit_Click() is wrong because I've tried the same on a form. Please help. …

Member Avatar for red_evolve
Member Avatar for L3fty19

Well It's seems that a lot of people talk about using these programming languages but what I wondering is what do most of you do with these skills. I mean i got some Q-Basic knowledge and some Visual Basic.net skills but what kind of programs do you make or what …

Member Avatar for scarecrow
Member Avatar for Chas Griff

I've written a lot of code in QuickBasic 4.5 and have finally decided to learn Visual Basic. I'm using VB 4.0 which I bought a long time ago, but for learning purposes I figure it's good enough for now. It all looks pretty straightforward, but my problem comes when passing …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for lawdie

Hi all Ive been trying ever combination to get this code finished. Basically I can get the cipher to work okay. But the space character returns as U, Im trying to figure out how. Do I need another loop? Or am I on the wrong track and should scrape this …

Member Avatar for QKSTechTrainee

Apologies if this was easy to find out elsewhere. I am trying to write a small script that can be run on our network by each user, which captures their user login name and uses this to look up in a spreadsheet of all users to provide them with info …

Member Avatar for cllawrencecl2

Alright, heres the deal. I learned how to program Basic on an Apple IIe computer, then I learned to migrate it into the newer computers as they came along. I haven't programmed for a while and Windows XP doesn't exactly have QBasic on it. That's what it was called the …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for QKSTechTrainee

hello peeps We are currently trying to catch the little jobbie who keeps printing swastikas form a variety of printers on the school network - anyone got any ideas how to force the network to stick the username of the printing user at the bottom of each document printed? Ta. …

Member Avatar for QKSTechTrainee
Member Avatar for jayakumar

Hi, i m begginer level in visual basic but my company order to me ! make the application for my company operation so plz advice to me? i to plan now front end vb back end access and also design the front end and also created the database now my …

Member Avatar for camelNotation
Member Avatar for QKSTechTrainee

Anyone know at which point during the Windows XP startup the Windows Script Host loads? having problems with a startup script which refuses to run on our network, and suspect that we may be trying to run it before WSH is in place......

Member Avatar for helpme

Hi, I am a 15 year old student in a florida high school. In my computer programming class we had this project due that determines our final grade. It consists of a project that allows the user to read records from a database in visdata from visual basic 6.0. It …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Hi. I'm not new to the world of programming, but I have never touched vb before and would like to learn it. Firstly, can vb be used solely to produce an application without using any other programming languages like c? Well, secondly, if I am to use vb together with …

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for mjkolata

Hello all, I'm fairly new to visual basic.net and I hope someone could help me with a problem that I am having. I'm trying to create a card game (nothing fancy, really simple stuff) but I don't know how to create my card class so that the same card cannot …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for mikedba

Just got a new laptop with XP on it and having problems running Visual Basic 6 projects. Everytime I open a project and try to view the form, Visual Basic 6 closes and exits out. I can run the application and view the forms, but for some reason can not …

Member Avatar for Paladine

The End.