117 Topics

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It’s another tough morning for tech stocks, with Apple, HP, Oracle, Motorola, Google, and Dell all seeing their stocks fall 2% or more. The falloff is primarily from the news that consumer/retail spending fell 2.7% in December – twice the amount that economists had expected. At least the companies I …

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According to [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7827518.stm"]reports[/URL] the new Yahoo! CEO will be Carol Bartz, the 60 year old former Autodesk chairman. She will replace Jerry Yang, the Yahoo! co-founder who was pretty much [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/21770/53/"]forced into resignation[/URL] late last year following his handling of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2032.html"]Microsoft takeover[/URL] offer. Bartz has a good reputation in …

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The Street.com is out with its 2009 tech guide and it’s a good read. You can check out the whole thing at [url]http://www.thestreet.com/story/10454493/4/the-tech-investors-guide-to-2009.html;[/url] but here are a few highlights on what tech insiders predict will happen in 2009. Cloud clearing – 2009 will be the year of the cloud – …

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Call it a tale of two headlines: "Microsoft and Yahoo in talks again on online unit": 30 Nov 2008/Reuters "Microsoft-Yahoo deal "total fiction:" 30 Nov 2008/Reuters So which is it? One of the key players originally mentioned as a possible replacement for Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang has told a Wall …

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An update on the report from the UK’s Financial Times and The Telegraph that Microsoft is all set to buy Yahoo’s search engine division for $20 billion: more media outlets are carrying the story on Sunday night, including Drudge and CNET. But CNBC found an inside source who claims the …

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The market’s four-day rally, where it has recouped 14% of its losses – the biggest pickup in decades – is about to get a legitimate curveball this week with a new report out from the UK-based Telegraph that Microsoft is in serious discussions to buy Yahoo. The proposed $20 billion …

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"Jerry, how can we miss you if you won't go away?" Such was the refrain from Yahoo investors for months on end, who could only watch helplessly as the company lost $20 billion in value under the reign of Jerry Yang. Sure, it's not all Yang's fault. The economy cratered …

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Are we near a market bottom? That's the question on every investor's mind this week, even as the stock market falls another 500+ points in Wednesday trading. Lord knows we're on uncharted terrain here, and that we've experienced enough false bottoms to last us a lifetime. But increasingly, more and …

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The stock market has responded favorably, relatively speaking, to the rumor that Microsoft is once again making a bid for Yahoo. Traders are buzzing over whether Steve Ballmer will make the same $33 per share offer now that he made a few months ago. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if …

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The impact from the ongoing credit crisis is finally starting to translate into layoffs for the tech sector. The folks I'm talking to say that AT&T, Apple, Yahoo, Sun, eBay, Microsoft, Nortel, HP, EDS, and even Google are going to be passing around pink slips with alarming aggressiveness in weeks …

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Well, as they say in Vegas, in for a dime, in for a dollar. Or in the case of the Congressional bailout that President Bush wasted no time whipping out his sharpie and signing into law, how about $700 billion? The revote in the U.S. House of Representatives was never …

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The market is hovering around positive territory - but barely - after billionaire financier Warren Buffett announced that he was plugging in $5 billion to newly-minted commercial bank Goldman Sachs. The investment was seen as a vote-of-confidence in the splintered financial sector by one of America's most respected market visionaries. …

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Yahoo yesterday released an update to Blueprint, its mobile development platform that it says now allows developers to build stand-alone Java apps, and apps for devices running Symbian and Windows Mobile. Previously the platform was limited to building mobile widgets for its [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Go]Yahoo Go[/url] mobile back-end system. Of perhaps greater …

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Three questions for the week, plus a new opportunity for profit growth in the technology market . . . 1. What Will the Fed Do? - The Federal Reserve is in a fragile position, as is the economy. With the Fed scheduled to announce its next move on interest rates …

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Thursday saw another horror show on Wall Street, with the Dow tanking 200 points over the weaker-than-anticipated GDP number and the shaky job market (the U.S. unemployment rate rose to 5.7% today). Still, tech stocks seemed to navigate the tumult of bad news in surprisingly robust fashion. We covered Motorola …

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Here’s a footnote for the current chapter of the Microsoft-Yahoo acquisition saga. Microsoft this week issued a [URL=http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2008/jul08/07-14statement.mspx]statement[/URL] to “set the record straight” about [URL=http://yhoo.client.shareholder.com/press/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=321697]Yahoo’s July 12 rejection[/URL] of the latest acquisition offer from Redmond. Rather than trying to paraphrase, here’s Microsoft in its own words, including references to “activist …

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[I]It's not always easy, And sometimes life can be deceiving, I'll tell you one thing, its always better when we're together ~Jack Johnson, Better Together. [/I] [URL="http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/07/11/schmidt_independent_yahoo_better_for_competition/"]AP is reporting [/URL]this morning that Eric Schmidt, he being CEO of the great and almighty Google, thinks it would better if Yahoo! remained …

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Technology stocks received something of a boost yesterday, with the NASDAQ rising 21 points to 2,266. Traders were buzzing about Microsoft’s admission that it would re-open talks with Yahoo, but only if less-than-subtle co-conspirator Carl Icahn can manage to unseat the Yahoo board of directors. Icahn, the famed corporate raider, …

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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is not only an apish buffoon, but he also apparently lacks a backbone. It was revealed today in a [URL=http://in.reuters.com/article/governmentFilingsNews/idINWNAS033120080707]letter to Yahoo shareholders[/URL] written by “activist investor” Carl Icahn that Ballmer expressed fears that the current Yahoo board—hostile to a takeover by Microsoft—could put the huge …

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The Wall Street Journal reported this morning (and thousands of others since then) in a [URL=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121496732802022117.html] front-page story[/URL] that Microsoft is seeking new channels of opportunity for acquiring the search business of Yahoo. Redmond has reportedly been in talks with Time Warner and WSJ parent company News Corp., cooking up …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

A decent day in tech trading, with both the Morgan Stanley “Big 35” tech benchmark and the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index up from week-long lows. Maybe it’s the first day of the quarter and people are just glad the last one is over, or maybe the July 4th margaritas are going …

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Heads up users of Yahoo Mail. A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered that could allow hackers to steal a user’s session IDs and ultimately private information, according to [URL=http://blog.cenzic.com/public/item/207752]a report[/URL] yesterday from security risk assessment firm Cenzic. In an excerpt from the Cenzic blog post, the company reports: “If …

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It has not been a good couple of weeks for Microsoft, at least not when it comes to how the online search space is fanning out anyway. Following on from the refusal of yahoo to take the Microsoft buy out bid seriously, comes the news that it is jumping into …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I'd hate to be Jerry Yang's therapist today. The Yahoo CEO turned down a $33 per share buyout offer from Microsoft several months ago, with some saying the price could have gone as high as $37 per share. But that was then and this is now. The Associated Press is …

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In the past few weeks, we have seen Microsoft trying to acquire Yahoo! for some $46-odd billion dollars. They failed. So, moving on, they are [URL="http://furrier.org/2008/05/19/silicon-valley-rumor-microsoft-to-buy-yahoo-search-and-then-facebook/"]trying to acquire Facebook now[/URL]. Mark Zuckerberg is standing firm on this one though. They are decisively saying "no" to the acquisition. [URL="http://www.ginside.com/2008/1589/google-to-buy-facebook/"]Facebook is not …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]Fool if you think it's over 'Cause you said goodbye Fool if you think it's over I'll tell you why ~Chris Rea, Fool (If You Think It's Over). [/I] Those two crazy kids, Microsoft and Yahoo! are talking again. I know. I know. You thought it was over. Everyone did. …

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Pop quiz: which is the most popular website in the US? For years the correct answer would have been Yahoo, despite everyone thinking it is Google. However, the latest comScore rankings, which list popularity in terms of the unique monthly visitor metric, has Google beating Yahoo for the first time …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I've been following the career arch of corporate raider Carl Icahn for years. The billionaire investor specializes in buying up huge chunks of stocks of volatile companies, then going after the company's board of directors to get the deals he wants. It's worked pretty well with Icahn's investments in companies …

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[I]Well there’s nothing to lose And there’s nothing to prove I’ll be dancing with myself ~Billy Idol, Dancing with Myself.[/I] Microsoft is 30-something and that’s an elder statesman in personal computing terms, and maybe it’s feeling a bit old. The desktop is so yesterday. The future is on the web, …

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Is the Yahoo deal done yet? The stock market thinks so, slicing Yahoo’s financial value by 15% in the last two trading sessions. If the deal were still alive, then the stock would be moving the other way around. Yahoo’s chief Jerry Yang says the $37-per-share demand wasn’t etched in …


The End.