This has been my worst day ever at this job.I was just in a fight with my IT manager,strange thing is it wasnt even work related. I felt like I just wanted to fit my boot in his mouth.Really MAD.How does one actually handle a situation like this: IT Boss yells at you and reminds you his boss cos you didnt kock on his door.Boy did I snap.Im not a boy.
One thing let to another and we had to appear infront of the company General Manager. General manager understood and actually favoured me
Question: Do I kick his A55 next time(Because I can) or do I play the puppet[so not me]??

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Edward is a strong believer in professional behavior. If the dispute is trivial, just let it go. If it's not trivial, avoid an immediate confrontation and file a complaint through the proper channels.

commented: Well said!! +1
commented: You Exude Professionalism +3
commented: thanx dude +2

Im actually a fan of a nice fight from time to time. Anthropologically speaking, fights are a way to assert dominance. But the thing to remember here is that this is at work, and less importantly, he's your boss. Picking fights in a professional environment (unless you're a boxer or something) is a big no no (even if you don't mind losing your job).
If you get challenged on the streets, it's a different matter. However, in the interest of being civil and not ruining millions of years of evolution, the next time this happens you will keep your cool.

You are not a caveman. As that weirdo above me pointed out, take it through the proper channels.

If that fails, a well planned and executed prank will almost certainly be satisfying, and arguably civil enough for the workplace.

commented: thanks bro +2
commented: Couldnt have said it better ! +1

Scru is right on the money, fighting in the work place is not smart but i feel for ya. My boss has a dominance thing where he love to shut down my ideas and then propose them as his own a couple weeks later.

What i advise is when speaking with him keep your chin high and your voice firm but never ignorant and he'll recognized you dominance without physical confrontation.

and keep notes. I know it sound weird but if anything was to ever come to the general manager you will have a list of well documented grievences to pull out. the pen is SOMETIMES mightier then the sword.

commented: thanks bro,things looks better +2

hey guys thanks alot for that I needed it
Well today is a brand new day and everyone came to check up on me.feeling far much better today.
Yesterday I was so furious that I just started to type and posted it here.

My boss has a dominance thing where he love to shut down my ideas and then propose them as his own a couple weeks later.

as for steven I know axactly what youre talking about happened to me quite a number of times.sometimes they (Guys with top positions) really think they know all...huh
Ill do my best to apply some of these suggestions next time

-Never let things pile up in youre heart,speak and be heard,I felt for that one

This has been my worst day ever at this job.I was just in a fight with my IT manager,strange thing is it wasnt even work related. I felt like I just wanted to fit my boot in his mouth.Really MAD.How does one actually handle a situation like this: IT Boss yells at you and reminds you his boss cos you didnt kock on his door.Boy did I snap.Im not a boy.
One thing let to another and we had to appear infront of the company General Manager. General manager understood and actually favoured me
Question: Do I kick his A55 next time(Because I can) or do I play the puppet[so not me]??

situation could be worst than this..u just keep cool and understand that working hours r most frustrating for everyone..........try to manage or cope up with the boss..because smday u'll also b the boss..

commented: thanks dude +2

Actually thinking about it now I could have reacted better.well I guess theres a next time

good to hear. take care. ;)

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