As of today or yesterday Leo Laporte has retired from TV no more Leo Laporte on TechTV man I am kinda sad. But, hey he is still on KFI in LA woo hoo! Good luck Leo Laporte your not my fav but, hey today you are ;)

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Could it be because Comcast bought TechTV? :confused:
He was only one of two people I could tolerate on that channel...

No, I read his website. Apparently he owns some shares of the company which they asked him to forfeit, and they held his job as ransom. In any case, I have to thank Jimmy for listening to an archived show of his the other day and actually hearing "daniweb" being mentioned! Download and start listening at the 18 minute mark. :)

The web site we are talking about is

Not a problem Dani.

Yeah his shoutout to use was pretty good :). Screensavers wont be the same without him :( lol. Anyone watch X-play? That shows pretty good, and halarious

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