it seems as if AOL, eBay, BMG music, and other companies are willing to pay the $300 for your 20 gb iPod if you sign up for their services

AOL and eBay are free, so they don't even get money for what they sell

here's the link

it's not a scam because people have actually received iPods

this is the best advertising (for me) I've ever seen :D

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what do you think do you think compainies just go around saying hey lets just give $300 of merchadise to any one who wants it I think they posed people to look like they got one. Its probly like you get dumped with spam and junk.

It is indeed possible to get a free ipod through this sytem, you will of course need to generate 5 referrals to friends and you will obviously get put on a lot of mailing lists. If these costs are worth it (i.e. possibly having friends spend some money they didn't want to spend and dealing with blocking more spam) then it may be worth your time to try the service... personally it isn't for me.

It's true... In fact, I'm holding mine.. that I got off the site :cool:.

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