My name is Paul Nickel and I'm in Columbus Ohio.
I'm currently enrolled in the Web Development program at Franklin University, and the programming language used there is Java. I have some small knowledge of Java, but most of my course work for my associates degree was in VB.
When I'm not at school or work I enjoy spending time with my wife and our four cats.
My hobbies include Role playing games, World of Warcraft and reading.
I am also an acomplished leather worker and am active (when I have time) in the Society for Creative Anachronisim, which by the way explains the avatar.
I am hoping to learn things from this community and hopefully contribute something.

Hi Paul:
Lots to learn here.
Thanks for contributing.

Welcome to the community,
you will surely enjoy your stay,
keep posting!

Hope you'll enjoy the great moderators on the Java forum!

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