If you could use only 1 method to drive traffic, what would it be? This will give you an idea of what you're really good at.

To be very precise. Keywords Optimization is the best and permanent way to drive traffic to your website.

I would prefer article submission. Its the best way to increase traffic.

I suggest social bookmarking and forum posting.

To be very precise. Keywords Optimization is the best and permanent way to drive traffic to your website.

Yes that's key element for organic search listing.

Yes that's key element for organic search listing.

Yeh it is. Article submission and social bookmarking are helpful too but basic thing is to optimize your site first otherwise you will be wasting your time.

In my opinion, the most important thing is to create content worthy of a web visit. Get the keyowrds in there for sure but that is secondary to crafting web content that is both unique and indisputably authentic. Articles are good for that but should be used as an external ranking influence rather than masquerading as the real content (unless of course the content is articles; such as in a blog).

1 method? well, that's pretty hard. It's like choosing a best among the best. I will focus first on listing my page on Search Engines. =)

1 method? well, that's pretty hard. It's like choosing a best among the best. I will focus first on listing my page on Search Engines. =)

What a complete waste of time you are focusing on. Focus on smoking a big fatty then create something worthwhile for the Internet visitor.

social bookmarking and forum posting...

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