Is rss feed very important in SEO? Is this applicable for blog only or website also? How can add into website?

RSS can help you to syndicate your content especially if you have a websites that regularly update content, it's widely used for blog and news website. You can create your own feed using feedburner;

RSS is very usefull if you need mixed fresh content on your website which Google absolutely loves. You simply scoop up some simple rss output scripts and find some rss feeds on article and your niche related websites, put everything on your pages and you have it. I found it very effective in how much Google crawles your page. buy hgh

Yes, to get your site seen by many visitors, you need to promote your rss feed. Try to search in google 'how to promote rss feed" to get some idea for content promotion.

It is important. RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries. The content summaries contain just enough information without overwhelming the reader with superfluous details. If the reader is interested and wants additional information they can click on the item in the feed, accessing the website which contains additional details. RSS readers aggregate multiple feeds, making it easy for individuals to quickly scan information contained within each feed. Feeds are generally themed, allowing users to opt-in to feeds that are of interest. The big benefit to RSS is that individuals opt-in to content of interest, totally controlling the flow of information that they receive. If the quality of the content in the feed declines, users simply remove the feed from their RSS reader and they will not receive any additional updates from that source.

Yes, RSS Feeds is the most important and easy marketing strategy which puts your products, services or content directly in front of your existing or new readers which helps in increase of your sales.

I have heard dat people so submit their rss feed to rss directories. can anyone explain me whats dat?

RSS is very useful for sites with fast growing content (blogs, news, forums). From the other side you can create a supporting blog for your main website.

I have heard dat people so submit their rss feed to rss directories. can anyone explain me whats dat?

RSS directories is a way to let the word out about your feed URL so that those engines can pay a visit to your site and crawl your feed which allows easy syndication of your website content real faster.

Its so simple, you will get the traffic only when your viewers will know that you got something really interesting and thrilling stuff. To do this RSS feeds is the best and easier way to ping your readers about your latest news or products.

IMO it would be silly to have a blog and NOT offer an RSS feed. Give your visitors as many ways as possible to stay up to date on what you do.

RSS feeds are good and useful but the mistake some make and wrong ideas they might have is that as soon as they add RSS feeds to their web pages, the next week they would be among the top ten Google rankings while the introduction of RSS is for distributing the news and content pages and also having them indexed faster not for rankings.

RSS feeds are the good source of promotion of any update done in website. It instantly make available to usesr and fresh food for bots.

I have heard dat people so submit their rss feed to rss directories. can anyone explain me whats dat?

RSS directories are same like web directories. In RSS directories there are categories and you just need to find the exact category and submit your RSS feed URL. In some directories only .xml type feed url are excepted. In some directories you will need to register and upon verification you are able to add your RSS feed. Basically, RSS feeds are placed on those sites who struggles for unique content.


Very well said on your first post. Yes. RSS is used not only for blog but also for other kind of site.

While the merits of RSS feeds can be debated without coming to a consensus, is there anything about RSS feeds you would like to see changed or improved upon?

RSS feeds are good source of potential traffic for your site.. but using this also have a disadvantage.. your site will be prone to SPAM too.

I think RSS feed is important.. if your content is updated very frequently mostly in the case of blogs and podcasts...

so rss feed will help you if you have a blog or a postcast....
it help you to syndicate your data easily ..and keep the visitor in touch

RSS (most commonly expanded as "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.
Check this website for quick tips about RSS

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