I am curious to know if anyone has been asked to do SEO for a cloud computing application? And if you have, have there been any particular hurdles that you have had to deal with that you have not thought of?

I don't see how SEO is remotely related to cloud computing applications. Can you possibly take the time to describe what going on in your head a little more deeply. Enlighten me.

I think he is talking about some big complexities that might come up from time to time while working on websites SEO practices on the internet.

Well, sometimes the algorithms of search engines get too complex to figure out.

I think he is talking about some big complexities that might come up from time to time while working on websites SEO practices on the internet.

Well, sometimes the algorithms of search engines get too complex to figure out.

That is what I am talking about. In reading about cloud computing, which by its nature is web-based, I have seen mentions of SEO but no where has the relevance be qualified or quantified. This makes me suspicious as this is the type of thing that will be of no concern and then suddenly explode as a major issue. My initial question, although probably not worded as clearly as it could be (I tried) is to find out if anyone working in a cloud computing application has been approached to begin thinking about SEO. Is it even something worth thinking about?

I don't see how SEO is remotely related to cloud computing applications. Can you possibly take the time to describe what going on in your head a little more deeply. Enlighten me.

Although I posted an overall reply, I wanted to address your post directly. You do not see how SEO is remotely related to Cloud Computing and to be honest, neither do I. But in some of the stories I have read I have seem SEO mentioned in passing without much detail. So, if there is someone out there who may have been asked to look into it would they be willing to share what the thought process is behind it. My curiosity is piqued and when it is I ask questions.

I would say yes SEO will be imployed in cloud computing for some applications but it depends on the application and the services being offered. I think the area that will become more popular is: Moveing your application from your ISP to say Amazon EC. In using this type of cloud computing solution you can move your content closer to your focus customer and thus optimizing it for that area. I think this is for websites that target different geographic regions and languages.

The other area that is not clear yet is if you purchase SaaS (Software as a Service) and want it optimize if the provider will allow it. Although I cannot think of one at the moment.

The other thing to remember is that cloud computing at the moment appleal to companies who want to move/extend their data center out. So a lot of customers will require the same as they would when they were internal.

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