On Page Optimization:
In On page we will check Content, Keywords, title, meta tags, alt tags, header tags, anchor text, internal link structure, html site map, robots.txt, and xml sitemap.
Content: content should be unique and related to services.
Keywords: keyword density, keyword frequency, keyword search volume(different keywords for each page).
Title: In the title we will write with combination of keywords(different title for each page).
Meta Tags: meta description, meta keywords and etc (different for each page).
Alt tags: this tag for images, images need to optimize with alt tags.
Anchor Text: Internal links optimized with Keywords.
Internal links: Navigation from one page to another page with out any confusion.
HTML Site Map: In this page we should provide all pages links. This site map for visitors.
XML Sitemap: Generate XML Site map and submit to Google webmaster tools. xml sitemap will down load frequently and submit to google robots.