Hi all,

here several seo experts staying in this forum.So tell me how marketing websites in face book , twitter and social media.

how to promote website in face book.

social networking sits can bring more traffic to your site. create page on FB. make a good friend group. paste your sits links regularly on FB, twitter you will see results..

They attract traffic which brings an increase in exposure of your website. It also helps you connect with your users.


i agree with what i have been readding in internet .Fb trafic its not that good i all depends why i need that trafic. Dont open a fb page open a fb fan page by the way .. :)

Well as of my opinion for marketing purpose Face-book and other social bookmarking website are the best way to introduce your listing because you can find the best traffic from these website by targeting the right customer.

Thank you all.

what are ways to promote website in facebook and twitter?

in FB you need to create a fan page ans slowly you need to catch the users .first you can add your friends and families .you have to update frequently on those pages .and the info should attract the users so..it will be a slow process you cant expect the quick result ! same in Twitter you need to post the short article and need to point your site.!

first make your profile more effective so that more users can connect to visit your sites.

Create some good and attractive content which would attract a lot of visitors.Spread your network on social networking sites which are interested in your Topic.Post regularly in your profile.Comment on some of your friends posts get some suggestions for your websites.Upload some attractive images and post about the features of your websites.

Hi all,

here several seo experts staying in this forum.So tell me how marketing websites in face book , twitter and social media.

Face book and twitter are the some kind of social networking sites, Where you can get a very ample amount of traffic to attract the visitors to your site. So you can promote your blogs as well as site on these social networking sites.

Create groups to these site and add more members . this is the way of getting traffic from these sites

make your profile more attractive so that others will follow you and you will get the more hit.

In the present time Social bookmarking is the best option for promoting any website. And Face-book, twitter, digg , stumble are the best website for the same purpose.

how to make effective these social network

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