I do not know the exact information, but might be thinking that it is also one method of link building strategy. I am expecting the details about this so kindly share it.

Trundle link mean's - to convey or move in a wagon, cart, and other wheeled. So... May be link trundle is type of link wheel.

Link trundle in the sense that creation of the link wheels from the different sites and then point them to your main site. So we can consider it as the part of the link wheel. But create the wheels from the high authority sites as it will be more helpful and will provide the best result.

Establishing Link Wheels to one of your site with various high performance web 2.0 property sites like Squidoo Lens, HubPages, Blogger, Thematic Sites or WordPress has become favourites because these sites have gained the authority status and SEs like them to crawl fast. It is an extended version of link wheel.

It has many folded benefits like :

Better exposure through images & Videos
One way link from Authority Sites
Unique content for each trundle
Web properties creation in high PR sites.

Trundle link is new for me, as i review some comment, some people are discussing about link wheel, but link wheel is different things.

thanks for sharing informative post!

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