I have started doing SEO for the website with dynamic pages (Shopping Cart Website).so kindly tell me what are the things to be considered in on page optimization. So it will help me when I analyze my website.

I have started doing SEO for the website with dynamic pages (Shopping Cart Website).so kindly tell me what are the things to be considered in on page optimization. So it will help me when I analyze my website.

Depending on how many items you are selling, you may want to consider creating your own web pages rather than using a third party page generator. That way you'll have much more control over your on-site optimizable web page / web site components (titles, meta descriptions, headings, hyperlinks, graphics, web site architecture, logical page naming ...)

If you are stuck with some lame third-party paint-by-number page generator then make sure you use unique text to describe your product and not some manufacturer's or distributor's description because that would probably be duplicated over the Internet several times already and wouldn't be of much value to the search engine.

Make your landing page content rich with your ecommerce stuffs. You have to highlight your famous products/items. It is always good to change your content more often. Panda loves new content and have more chance to grab googlebot affinity towards your website if only you change your content more often. Also...follow some usual on page optimization techniques.

Try creating good and quality backlinks with good/reputed websites. Think about quality and not quantity..thats the secret and you are done.

you have optimize its hot deals and first page after that you have to concentrate on others things

page should be different in content and having keyword it enough foe Google according to the new update of Google panda

I have only two tips for your dynamic website, keep update your website with good and unique contents and get relevant bcklinks to desire pages. Do not optimize only home and get some social effects too

yes i m totally agree with Clarkjackson it alwaays a good idea to have backlinks for home page and you can insert fb like, share, digg, G+ button for more boost

In short I would say try creating good and quality backlinks with good/reputed websites. Think about quality and not quantity..thats the secret and you are done.

Create quality back-link must be relevant, Update unique, informative and keyword rich content regularly...

For ON page work you have to consider the Meta Tag, Met description,Index code and other code which will effect the search engine.

there is no different way ,you have carry in the same way as already doing that

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