Hi all

Please solve me ths

Can we copy the blog content for article also? If not why? Will it decrease the page rank for my site?

Yes, you should not post the same content in two places. Why i am saying means, the content which has been crawled by the search engnine bots in second will be deducted as duplicate by the search enginebots. So, it is best to use unique content in blog and for article submission.

Actually, it is not recommended to use the same content on two different places (Blog and Article), because it will never help you in SEO tactices and also it will definitely affect your website's reputation/page rank during the Google Panda Update. So, try to utilize high quality unique contents to avoid unnecessary Google penalties.

If you copy your blog content for article then it will be considered as duplicate content and Google is very particular about duplicate content nowadays. So don't do it.

This has been around awhile that you should not have duplicate content.

Keep blog post on the website.

If you want create a unique article to release on article websites or in a form of a press release...

As all member suggest, you should not submit same content for blog and article both. It is the case of the duplicate content. You should either choose one. I will suggest you to go with blog post rather than article submission.

Also you should avoid partial duplicates besides all above tips.

You should not at any cost copy your blog content and use it for article because it will be considered as duplicate content by Google and moreover if someone after reading your article visit your blog and finds the same content then it will not be appropriate. So avoid doing it.

If you want to promote your blog, it's best to write different content for an article you want to submit to some popular website. It doesn't make sense to post the same content at two or more different places. It happens sometimes that different websites just take your content and usually they put a link to your website. This confuses me a bit. I would never do that, but I don't think I would tell them to take down my content.

If you post same content on two different sites, it will consider as copied/duplicate. But, You can refreshes it and post

commented: Why this after 8 years? -4

No one mentioned this yet, but you can as long as one of the pages is considered the canonical. That is, the original.

You can use the rel=canonical meta tag to refer to one of the URLs as the original and the other(s) as duplicate. Googlebot will treat it almost like a 301 redirect to the original, but less of a strong signal.

In this way, multiple pages or sites can host the same content without getting dinged with a duplicate content penalty.

While blog and article content can cover similar topics, their style and purpose are different. To maintain your site's credibility and SEO performance, always create unique content for each. This way, you'll provide value to your readers and improve your site's ranking.

Blurred Lines in Digital Content. While both inform and engage, blogs often offer personal flair, while articles lean formal. Yet, in today's dynamic online landscape, the distinction is increasingly fluid.

commented: Why this after 8 years? -4

While blog and article content can overlap, they often differ in tone, length, and structure. Blogs are typically more casual and personal, while articles tend to be more formal and in depth. Both can inform and engage readers.

commented: 8 years later? +0

First thing, Search engines penalize duplicate content by lowering rankings, while users expect fresh, valuable information. Repeating content frustrates readers and reduces trust. Unique content engages users, encouraging longer visits and interactions. Additionally, identical content on multiple pages can compete in search results, diminishing SEO effectiveness.

Second thing, you have to understand blog and article are completely different from each other in term of content structure and writing.
so, we cannot publish the same content in blog and article.

commented: Irony - posting the same old chatgpt rubbish about not duplicating content -4

Yes, blog content and article content can be similar, but they don't have to be the same. Blog content is usually more casual in tone and focused on capturing the reader's interest with shorter, more frequent updates. Articles, on the other hand, tend to provide in-depth analysis or research and are more formal. Both are informational, but the style and depth vary depending on the audience and platform.

Yes, a blog content and article content can be similar, but they often serve different purposes. Blog content is typically more informal and conversational, aiming to engage readers with updates or personal insights. Articles, on the other hand, are usually more formal and in-depth, focusing on providing comprehensive information or analysis. Both can overlap in style and format, but their intent and tone may differ.

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