Can somebody give me website promotion ideas which don't need much investment or are free?

Viral marketing ... word of mouth. Create something catchy and unique that people will naturally want to tell their friends about, link to, etc.

Social networking/bookmarking.

Social networking/bookmarking.

Yup, there's no valid reason not to create RSS feeds nowadays.

go for social bookmarking and article submission,this had increase my traffic by 1000+unique per day.

Thanks to all who replied!
What are the best social bookmarking sites?

Social networking/bookmarking/tutorial/wiki

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What are the best social bookmarking sites?

Furl, Reddit, Sphinn, Stumbleupon and are some of the best.

I suppose it's means to be Digg :)

Social Bookmarking websites, Facebook, myspace etc are great resources. You can get huge traffic from these sites if you play well.

Social Bookmarking websites, Facebook, myspace etc are great resources. You can get huge traffic from these sites if you play well.

When you say "play well" what exactly do you mean, or what kind of strategies do you have in mind?

article submission is one
doing emails is one more better option and spreading awareness through it
also some sites i think other users have told many ...............................

Blogging, forums , Social Networking and articles

* Find high PR free Internet directories and enlist your site there.
* Release your writing prowess and start up a press release that will advertises your site.
* write a free e-book, send a Press Release to the media, your clients, friends and associates.
* You can make a banner ad for your site and ask another webmaster to do the same for his site,then you will swap.

Thanks to all who replied!
What are the best social bookmarking sites?

The biggest sites (like delicious) don't pass on PR. However, following are a couple lists you might find helpful. The first one is a list of bookmarking sites that pass on PR, so they help your site rank higher in searches. The second one is a list of bookmarking sites that actually send traffic (most don't. Neither do directories, which provide virtually no benefit in terms of PR either).

24 Do-Follow Social Bookmarking Sites

Top 29 Niche Social Media Sites (That Actually Send Traffic)

for website promotion we can also use classified add

Govind Singh
Brainpulse Technologies
SEO Services

I think Social Bookmarking is very popular these days and has more immediate effective results that other techniques.

Hey... there are tools available for submitting to social bookmarking websites...

You can use these tools and submitt to many social bookmarking website easily without going through the pain of submitting manually...

Use Bookmark Submitter Pro and get your job done easily...

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