How do I affiliate programs for crystals, healing stones, beads, spiritual bracelets etc?

Thanks but CJ is not my choice. Most of their clients are too choosy.

Well, I have managed to find what I am looking for. I am closing this thread.

check for your comparators and ask them if you can advertise your sit on their website.

So that your thread can be of assistance to others in the future, what solution did you manage to find?

Thanks but CJ is not my choice. Most of their clients are too choosy.

Well, I have managed to find what I am looking for. I am closing this thread.

can you share with use what you find...

I think he is gone now so Admin should close this topic.

Do a Search. Search for Healing Stones Affiliate Programs. You can sign up with the company direct instead of going with a Network. If you are selling them yourself, go with Its like ebay, but cheaper, you can have your listings a lot longer, and its for those kinds of stuff.

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