Article writing and distributing to online article directory(s) should always be in your traffic toolbox. It's a darn smart marketing, simple yet effective way of boosting the traffic to your website. Best of all, it helps you to generate the most important traffic there is: targeted traffic!

Search for article directories and submit your article to as many directories as possible.

Article submission can help you for some exposure if it has some unique point and I think same is applicable for press release. :rolleyes:

Couldn't agree more! Great post!

I don't like writing articles so my favorite way is to get in good with the bloggers. By using various incentives, you can encourage them to mention your site within their writings.

It gets me a lead or two within various news entries, articles, press releases, and other content that gets syndicated across the web.

I don't like writing articles so my favorite way is to get in good with the bloggers. By using various incentives, you can encourage them to mention your site within their writings.

It gets me a lead or two within various news entries, articles, press releases, and other content that gets syndicated across the web.

That sounds interesting. What kind of incentives do you think would work best?

whats works the best Articles or bloggers

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