Is it wrong for a web site to generate an rss feed consisting of links to stories on other web sites? I think it's a bit misleading but my client wants it. Does that violate any kind of usability/accessibility rule?


So long as your feed provides adequate credit to what site produced the story, you should be ok .... RSS feeds are used to provide direct links to other stories all the time.

But, if you're in doubt, check with an attorney about copyright laws.

So long as your feed provides adequate credit to what site produced the story, you should be ok .... RSS feeds are used to provide direct links to other stories all the time.

What constitutes adequate credit? Is there a credit tag in the xml language?

Actually, the source for that answer is right here

Sorry for linking, but this is just the "safe way" to do it.

Actually, the source for that answer is right here

Sorry for linking, but this is just the "safe way" to do it.

wikipedia in general is non-problematic for external resource linking

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