Guys which is good CMS (content management system) Joomla or Mambo? why is it so? What you like of it?:?:

Joomla has old devloper team of Mambo and currently most Mambo mods work on Joomla. I dont think there is big difference between both, however developers says joomla code is more clearer than mambo.

They're almost functionally identical and I agree with etechsupport's statement that Joomla's code is somewhat cleaner. More importantly is which platform has the best support? Joomla by a giant leap!

Recently, more customers choose Joomla before Mambo. Developers say Joomla code is a clearer and more understandable than Mambo's. That is because Joomla started at a later period where newer technologies were available.
The addons built for Mambo were immediately optimized for Joomla and we can say that currently Joomla tools outnumber Mambo's.

Guys which is good CMS (content management system) Joomla or Mambo? why is it so? What you like of it?:?:

Personally, although both similar Joomla seems to have more active development (probably due to the old Mambo devs working on it). For that reason along I'd go for Joomla

Yes, i like Joomla. Joomla is better.

Joomla! is the new mambo... I go for Joomla!

Your web design buddy,
Bryan -
website design | web usability | information architecture | CSS | HTML

Joomla is best and more Secured than any other Opensource CMS.

Try the latest Joomla! 1.5 which has has been completely rewritten from scratch.

Joomla is best and more Secured than any other Opensource CMS.

Do you have ANY evidence at all behind this statement? Have you evaluated them all? I doubt it.

Do you have ANY evidence at all behind this statement? Have you evaluated them all? I doubt it.

well..i have given Joomla to my more than 150 clients and they are using it...:P mambo is not that secured 3 clients site was hacked by SQL Injection vulnerability...after that i have upgraded most of the sites to Joomla....

thats why you strongly type all sql data entries and dont use the root account

well..i have given Joomla to my more than 150 clients and they are using it...:P mambo is not that secured 3 clients site was hacked by SQL Injection vulnerability...after that i have upgraded most of the sites to Joomla....

Ok; so as you are obviously the resident CMS expert please tell me how the security of Joomla compares to that of Plone, OpenCMS, Alfresco, Drupal or SilverStripe.

Just because your Mambo sites got hacked and your Joomla ones didn't does not mean that it is the most secure thing ever.

Joomla is equally vulnerable to injection. There are many points in thier code where user input is queried by sql and it has not been properley typed

I like Joomla! better, mainly because the original dev team members for Mambo are working on Joomla!. And majority, if not all, of the original fans and supporters of Mambo have moved on and sign-up with Joomla!.

Also, Joomla! have many more choices for add-ons, themes, etc.

Hello All
joomla rocks.Because Joomla uses plugin and modules whereas Mambo has module only.Joomla is the best CMS in the world, Those sites which are in Joomla CMS has better security and can be build with good quality.


i never use joomla or any mambo, it is just for someone who doesnt know any of scripts but i have some friends who recommend joomla, but look uot for problems if you new

I vote for joomla,JOOMLA-THE WORLDS POPULAR AND POWERFUL SITE.. ..Any one create their own site with the little bit of knowledge in php and sql,because the design part is done and it is in default,what u need is database and developing ...just logging on to joomla we find a free software there... download it and install php and sql...then we can run our site on both Linux and windows..It is a open source content management system ....

I like Joomla, it's very useful.

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