
I apololgise if this has already been answered, but I had a look for the same problem and couldn't find anything.

Recently my power supply went bang, so having replaced it (with a slightly more powerfull one) it worked ok for a week. Just tried to boot it up (having not touched anything since it closed down working fine) and nothing happens. The PSU fan is spinning, the CPU fan is spinning, the LED on the motherboard is lit and my keyboard CAPS etc is lit. Apart from that nothing. Monitor is telling me its getting no signal, hard drives aren't spinning, CD drives won't open.

Have tried checking all the connections, gone right back to the basic system (just monior and keyboard, with no hard drives, USB et.) and not even the BIOS will come up. I have cleared the CMOS and removed and replaced the graphics card and RAM, so have run out of ideas.

I havn't got any spare parts around so can't really test anything, and didn't wanna have to buy new parts unless it's absolutely necessary.

Any ideas would be awsome?

power supply's have been know to go bad really quick ,even really good ones .I have had it happen to me numerous time with cheap one ,maybe you got a bad one !!

Member Avatar for cgleibrand

Were you able to fix this issue? just curious as i have the same problem and havent been able to find a fix for it yet.

I have tested the power supply, and it appears to be working correctly (it has no -5V but i've been told that is opional), so im not sure where that leaves my problem.

Am i correct in thinking that if the motherboard was working correcly I would get some kind of beeping on start up, even without a graphics card etc?

Because I have removed the RAM and graphics card and tried to start it, but still don't even get a beep. Now i know its getting a 'good' power supply, it must be the motherboard thats broken? Or is that all wrong?

Any opinions?

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Just a quick question how did you test your PS? i just bought a new PS in Feb so didnt think that could be whats wrong but then again these are electronics. Ive recently bought and tried a new mobo,cpu,ram, and a video card and same problem. i wonder if by chance your motherboard could be grounding out?

I tested the PSU with a tester pretty much the same as the one recomended above. Probably not the most accurate thing ever, but i'ts the best i can get my hands on.

Also, do you know how I would go about testing to see if my motherboard is grounding out? It's not something i've ever heard of.

Its not that the -5V line is not working, the unit doesn't actually have one (and didn't for the week it was working correctly). Have had a look at the ASUS motherboard website, and there is a FAQ which says that it is for ISA devices, which i don't believe i am using.

Also found this forum about it which says it was removed from the ATX connector spec iin 2002;

Does this sound plausable, or do you think that i might be misunderstanding.

Really running out of ideas now, may just bite the bullet and start buying new components.

not sure reall ,the shorting out is from way back in my memorey i could be mixing it with something else ,al li know is everytime i have a psu that dosn't boot the computer all the way into window and i test the psu with my tester and the -5v doesn't light up, i add new psu and computer boots all the way to windows .

Just got myself a new motherboard, and so far so good. Seems to be booting without any prolems.

I guess it was just coincedence that it happened to go a week after the new PSU.

Thanks to caperjack and cgilebrand for your input.

Just got myself a new motherboard, and so far so good. Seems to be booting without any prolems.

I guess it was just coincedence that it happened to go a week after the new PSU.

Thanks to caperjack and cgilebrand for your input.

great ,good to hear you got it fixed

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I installed a new PS and everything worked fine so rather suprising to see the newest piece in my computer go bad.

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