namja07 0 Unverified User

I've been using my Asus F3F laptop for about two years now during which I have rarely experienced any serious problems. However, recently I've been getting crashes. Usually this was simply due to dust in the machine or my hard drive sitting loose.

This time I'm having a problem with the screen. Whenever I move it sightly forward to be able to look at it more comfortably, the screen just blanks and my laptop powers off. It often takes a while before I can restart my laptop. I have to wait several minutes and unplug it and remove my battery. I'm able to restart it by letting it run on the battery only. When I plug in my adapter while it's running on battery, my laptop crashes. At other times it worked to start my laptop while plugged in but with the battery removed.

I'm not sure what is causing this problem. It would seem like it's got more to do with the power supply than the screen itself but then again it doesn't crash unless I move the screen forward. This is really annoying as it means I can no longer put my laptop in standy mode or let it hibernate by closing my screen.

Any ideas as to what might be causing this problem and how I might be able to solve it would be most appreciated.