My computer didn't turn on one morning. Nothing. After changing out wires, checking connections etc, I replaced the psu. Now I do get power to fan, the power button works, but I get a message "no signal" on my monitor. I rechecked all the monitor connections. How do I know if the psu is indeed powering the system and not just the fans? What is the next step?

When the old PSU went to Ludwig it could have glitched parts of the motherboard or RAM or the Video card. We don't know anything about your configutration (including the power capacity of your old & new PSU) and the attached devices such as the graphics card. It could also have glitched the disk. Any of these damages could explain your situation.

If the motherboard comonents other than the graphics card are OK, then you would hear it booting, disks whirring, keyboard flashing at power on etc.

So, more info please.

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