hey, this is probable a very basic question

I was just wondering if you thought this was a good deal. I wanted to buy a cheap laptop which I could take to back and fourth collage, it would mainly be used for writing small low levels programs, and word processing. The only game I would b tempted to install is football manger 2005.

Anyway I have a chance to buy an old TOSHIBA TECRA 9000 for around £200 depends how much I can haggle him down from.

it has the following spec

Data Bus Speed 133 MHz

how much do think this will this effect the speed?

I was just wondering if you thought this was a good deal?


it sounds ok if you want something that old.

why dont you save your money and look about a bit for a good deal. i've seen P4 laptops running with basically the same specs for about £350-£400. Least if you get new you've got the added benefit of the warranty should anything happen. you wont have the warranty if you get the machine you've said about.:)

visit www.pcworld.co.uk for a look at what they have on offer. in some instances they have internet only deals which might be of interest to you.

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