gkdmaths 36 Light Poster

Hi all, its been forever since I've posted. Ive got an all-consuming hardware question.

First, let me set it up: Since Ive graduated I began to work at a biomedical research firm. We do massive amounts of data analysis, most of which is computed tomography and 3D image analysis. Currently, we are significantly limited by the (lack of) power of our machines. Our workstations are windows2000 based DELL PCs that are decked out at the factory to 2002 standards. A set of our workstations can and do process up to a Tb of data daily.

I want to build the ultimate volume-rendering, data-thinning, most powerful machine I can, where cost is not an option. I used to build my own PCs regularly but since Ive been in school (and now out) I've been into other things.

If you can think of a 64-bit platform and an image processing IDE I can use to address it, tell me.

whats my dream 'thor's hammer' workstation?


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