Dannathrik 0 Newbie Poster

i have had this laptop for two months now and i have noticed a few problems, some have appeared more recently:

my screen tends to flash every time i adjust it

occasionally what appears to be a series of red dotted lines appear on my screen (especially during gameplay, this is a recent problem), going horizontally and vertically across the page, menu etc... sometimes even trail across the playable characters.

possibly the most annoying and longest running problem: my screen tends to go black temporarily when i use my keyboard, if i type too quickly, then a letter or two from my previous word forms somewhere else along the sentence... (its happened about three times already just typing this out)

E.G: (we'll use a simple sentence) The Cat Slept on the Carpet.
(if the screen were to go black while i was typing that) The Ct Sleapt o the nCarpet

does anyone know what the problem is? (please excuse the messy example ;) )