When I turn on my dell inspiron laptop, it goes all the way to the "windows" screen and seems to stop loading and just stays on that screen. The only way I am able to use my laptop is on "safe mode"...Please help me!!!


When I turn on my dell inspiron laptop, it goes all the way to the "windows" screen and seems to stop loading and just stays on that screen. The only way I am able to use my laptop is on "safe mode"...Please help me!!!


Use system restore if it was working previously in regular mode. Pick a date back when it was working properly.

Look for the usual suspects...spyware, recent driver and program installs, etc.. Run cleaners in safe mode.

Failing that, run System File Checker command at the Run box:

sfc /scannow

You will need the XP cd if it finds corrupt system files. Otherwise it will finish on its own.



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