skatamatic 371 Practically a Posting Shark

I'm trying to install fedora core 6 as a dual boot with windows vista. I have a proper partition made to install it to, and I (thought I) installed it earlier today to this partition. But I forgot to install GRUB to dual boot, so now I'm trying to repair it with the same DVD media I used for the original installation. My system keeps freezing right after the line:

IRQ: ACSPI (or something like that)
..TIMER: ...... (these dots are replaced with some general bit related jargon that I forget)

This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, since it had gotten past this when I installed it earlier. I've done some pretty extensive searching and can't seem to find anyone with the same problem. I've tried combinations of (after hitting tab at the main install boot menu):

linux i686

and neither seem to do a thing as far as solving my problem is concerned. I wish I had remembered to install GRUB earlier...grrr. I also tried disabling and re-enabling the partition in windows, and am currently formatting and defragging it. Does anyone know what the cause of this problem is? Or better yet, a great fix for it? Any help would be appreciated.

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