harryhaaren 0 Light Poster

Hey All,

I've got a little question/problem regarding 3D graphics.

Im running a PAE-LowLatency kernel for recording Audio stuff,
and I'd like to be able to also use ATI's proprietary 3D driver for hardware acceleration on a STANDARD 486 kernel. Note I do NOT need both 3D and LowLatency at the same time.

So what I've done before is had two Installs of the same distro.
Not good, you've got to update twice, and your always messing with your /home 's. (I dont make a seperate /home's for backup purposes. Dont ask!)

So what would be ideal is:
-I use the 3D driver with the standard 486 kernel,
-I use the "normal" X driver for the LowLatency kernel.

Is there a way to configure this using Grub? Or do i need something else? Or is what I'm hoping to do not possible?

Cheers for reading, -Harry

PS: 3D acceleration messes up on the LowLatency Kernel..