how do you setup outlook to recieve msn,gmail, and yahoo

it saids that this sight does not have permission to be linked to those tutorials you should probably get rid of them before this site gets slapped with a lawsuit.

never mind i watched the tutorials by going to the main homepage of that site and figured out that gmail has to be not or

Sorry, forgot to tell you it does not allow that way. But if you copy url, paste in new browser. It works!

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I am the owner of While I appreciate the visits to the site from Daniweb, I should point out that the tutorials on the DemoDemo site are for demonstration purposes expressly for web hosts before they make their purchase. I would like to suggest that if you wish to view the tutorials, rather than pointing to, please visit partner site . I have set up this free support resource so that end users are able to visit the site and view all tutorials free of charge. I would really prefer to redirect all end user traffic to the site, so your co-operation is appreciated.

Enjoy the tutorials. And Dani, thank you for granting me permission to make this post! :)


i wish to be able to setup yahoo on my outlook
free is this posible
tks for your help

yahoo is not possible.

others - just go to the website of the email and look for pop3/smtp settings for each. all the instructions are there.

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