Anyone know how to set the "no browser options" on the hkey_local_machine? Do you just add the text on the command line? I have a couple of students that are able to just uncheck the proxy server option to get around our filter, and I was hoping for a solution to stop it. I checked on the microsoft website, and I know its possible, ive just never done it before. Thanks for your help!

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We have LanSchool, which lets the teacher's station set the student stations to allow or disallow using web browsers at the teacher's command.

Just wanting to bring this post back to get some attention.....still looking for a good answer!

You can buy Lanschool or if you are using Macbook you could use Apple Remote Desktop or Apple Remote Management. Apple Remote Management allow you to see what the students' screen are doing and able to control them. It can be off unless you change the adminstrator password for the student macbook.

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