I was trying to erase the forms in xp's auto complete but it never does, the hour glass just keeps going and when I try to x out it says program not responding please help.

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You can do this automatically by using a handy program called 'Crap Cleaner'

Crap Cleaner allows you to clean all of your history for IE, Windows Media, Firefox/Mozilla, Program History, temp files, temp Internet files, even menu history and messenger history. It truly is a fantastic program.

Get help on that program and download it from http://mrbass.org

He always has the best 'for free' available apps and keeps them updated. If you have problems configuring them, mrbass will help you out in his forums. Take care...hopefully this will help you clean out stuffs.

You can do this automatically by using a handy program called 'Crap Cleaner'

Crap Cleaner allows you to clean all of your history for IE, Windows Media, Firefox/Mozilla, Program History, temp files, temp Internet files, even menu history and messenger history. It truly is a fantastic program.

Get help on that program and download it from http://mrbass.org

He always has the best 'for free' available apps and keeps them updated. If you have problems configuring them, mrbass will help you out in his forums. Take care...hopefully this will help you clean out stuffs.

I will try it out thanks for the help.

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