My question about Ipv6 subnetting
My address is 2001:db8:acad::/48
I have two subnet x and y and two pc
How can I divide the address in 2 subnet and find link-local?

Where did you get this address? From the ISP?

in Ipv6, the link local addresses are non-global, unicast and will have the prefix of fe80:. Depending on your host, you run ipconfig /all or ifconfig (or whatever command for the platform) and list out the ipv6's for each interface.

If you are going to subnet internally, you can edit the link local's unicast subnet prefix with something like fe80:0:0:1 where the multicast would look like ff02: as the prefix for link local multicasts.

Thanks for your answer
Yes,the link-local will be : fe80::1 link-local
In fact I'm using Packet tracer and I have 2 network but I need 2 subnet for for PC-A and PC-B how can do it(subnet it) accoriding my Ip 2001:db8:acad::/48 ?

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