Hello DBAs,

Any one familar with the ER diagram generation in TOAD. I am able to generate the diagram for one particular table. I need to generate for the whole schema. Can you please help me to find out a way?

Always Thanks,

You need to select a table from which to start from. Kind of like a central table from which Toad will build the relationships out of your entire ER diagram.

First, try checking which one of your tables is the most adequate to start from.

Second, select how many levels of referential tables do you think should be enough for the whole diagram to display (default value "5" is usually fine).

Third, select your display options. Click "Ok".

That's it.

commented: i want the clear steps that means how can we draw E-R diagram for a particular table can u explain step by step +0


This is fine but There are some hidden constraints with in tables which are not generating in TOAD.Can any one help me in this issue

what is a hidden constraint ?

try to use MS visio .

what is a hidden constraint ?

try to use MS visio .


How to connect the MS visio from Database.i am new to these MS visio.It would be helpfull if u can give an overview

Select ER diagram and you will get a new menu Database. Next select Reverser engineer. Next just follow the steps by providing the database login credentials. You have to create a DSN first.

Select ER diagram and you will get a new menu Database. Next select Reverser engineer. Next just follow the steps by providing the database login credentials. You have to create a DSN first.

How to select ER diagram u mean that we need to select generated ER-diagram from TOAD.But i am unable to generate for whole shema .Only it is getting generated for only one table.could you plz suggest how to go on.

One more thing Is this DNS or TNS ?

the steps i suggested was regarding the use of MSVisio not toad. and you need to create a DSN (data source name).

In TOAD, to generate the ER Diagram, Choose the Schema from the Drop down, and then select a table-> press Shift and scroll down( This will select all the tables in that schema) - then click on the ER Diagram ICON present on the Menu. The Generated ER diagram will have all the tables.

I tried and it worked!

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