edouard89 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hello everyone, I was not sure where to post this as it is regarding VB Scripts.

I have a script that when run with the proper command line arguments will ask the user to input text and later write that text to a file.

The following code is giving me a problem when the script runs

'cur is a variable for a number 0 to n
Dim inMessage = "Type the caption for target " & cur
Dim strUserinput as String
strUserinput = inputbox(inMessage)

I get the following error regarding the third line above at the "as"

Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error:Expected End of statement

The code bellow works but the problem is when I use the input to later write to a file it cuts of everything after 253 or so characters.

Dim inMessage = "Type the caption for target " & cur
strUserinput = inputbox(inMessage)

I am trying to get the problem above to work because I need to write to a file the long input from the user.