Hi all,

I am doing a project on the CRM application which sending and receiving sms using the vb.net language. I am no where to conclusions of my project because I could not build the application. I have found many examples but the problem some of the examples some uses the sms gateway or the AT commands. I could not differentiate which one to use? I have a dateline to finish this project of mine. Hope that anyone could help me. Most of the example does not look like a CRM application.



Hi all,

I am doing a project on the CRM application which sending and receiving sms using the vb.net language. I am no where to conclusions of my project because I could not build the application. I have found many examples but the problem some of the examples some uses the sms gateway or the AT commands. I could not differentiate which one to use? I have a dateline to finish this project of mine. Hope that anyone could help me. Most of the example does not look like a CRM application.



Without having any background on your project, I can only assume you are only interested in sending Text messages. If recieving these messages within your app is needed, you should look at the Windows Mobile framework. There are emulators you can use to act as an SMS gateway.

You can get started with this at : http://geekswithblogs.net/lvega/archive/2008/01/07/118332.aspx

Hope this helps.

Hi all,

I am doing a project on the CRM application which sending and receiving sms using the vb.net language. I am no where to conclusions of my project because I could not build the application. I have found many examples but the problem some of the examples some uses the sms gateway or the AT commands. I could not differentiate which one to use? I have a dateline to finish this project of mine. Hope that anyone could help me. Most of the example does not look like a CRM application.



There are a couple of way to do this. What i can suggest is perhaps consider using a Email to SMS gateway. All you need is an active Internet connect and then pump out the SMS via normal SMTP emails. There are many providers out there. We did an application for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to allow user to send out SMS Notification using a similiar method via clickatell

Good luck

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