For almost three years I have been developing web applications, using open source technologies. Linux, PHP, MySQL, Apache.

While in the begining, I was very gun-ho about this, as our project load increases, I am very much contemplating moving a portion of my development staff into .net architechture.

Would anyone like to provide some insight onto the learning curve, good tools, and books for this kind of move.

Thank You
the KUB

Visual Studio .NET was developed by microsoft, so the learning curve for the GUI is easy if you have used other microsoft programs before. Also, I have been learning asp .net, vb .net and c# .net for the past 4-5 months and I must say that I allready have a reasonable knowledge of each language. The only language I have programmed in before these was vb6 and a little c/c++ so, I haven't had much experience. The learning is quick and fun. What languages are you using at the moment? Some good books are:

SAMS teach yourself vb .net in 24 days
SAMS teach yourself asp .net in 24 days

I have both books (I think it's 24 days lol, I forget) but yeah. Basically I read a little of those as well as do some research on the web. It seems hard starting off but it doesn't take long for you to get used to it.

Hope I helped,


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