McLaren 3 Posting Whiz in Training

Hi, has anyone tried it?

it is a banner rotator for image and flash files. Just one thing I want from it - for a flash embeding code add more parameters, actually this:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

Because I need to count clicks of the flash banner. I read here how to do this

I know this was posted a long time ago and already answered but I just wanted to add a much easier solution for future site visitors. While the embedded SWF file will swallow the onclick event it does not swallow the onmousedown event. The trick is having the wmode set to transparent in the param tags as well as in the embed tag.

You can see the answer by webwires, I want to do according to him.

Or maybe you can offer another banner rotator javascript similar to this but with click counter or tell how to customize mBanner?

EDIT: already modified mBanner script file to add the needed parameter. It was too easy actually :D