1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

How much money does Microsoft need? As much as possible would appear to be the answer, considering that it has announced a $1.50 fee to download the Office 2007 Beta as from August 2nd. Claiming a requirement to cover server costs as a result of the 3 million people that …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Good question, but the answer may not be as straightforward as the announcement this week by Microsoft, and the ongoing online media coverage, suggests. The impression given is that Microsoft is supporting the Open Document Format in Office 2007 by sponsoring an open source based translator. This will take documents …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Reports of the death of PDF support within Office 2007 and Vista are not only presumptuous but wrong. Despite the high profile publicity given to a spat between Adobe and Microsoft over the ‘Save as PDF’ function seen in the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/getthebeta.mspx?showIntro=n"]Office 2007 Beta[/URL], there is no doubting that users will …

Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

Most people have had experience of, or currently use Microsoft Office, either at work or home, but I would think most people would find it hard to spot the differences between Office 2000, XP, and 2003. Apart from updated aesthetics on the latter, not much has changed through the generations, …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for alpschints

ADODB.Field error '80020009' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /nirmal/asp/editrecord.asp, line 0

Member Avatar for IP2Location

This is ASP script to enable lookup country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIPcode, Timezone and netspeedomain and netspeed from IP address by using IP2Location database. Free sample database available at [URL]http://www.ip2location.com[/URL]. The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely …

Member Avatar for Drew

Learn how to loop anything you want sertain number of times. In this example im gonna show you a simple next and loop that changes the font size.

Member Avatar for Drew

This is a neat little script that will tell you how many active users you have on your site. You do need a webhost that supports the global.asa file! Most free hosts dont. [B]Code From: [URL="http://http://www.iportalx.net"]http://www.iportalx.net[/URL][/B]

Member Avatar for Drew

Learn how to take the Now() command and format it in a bunch of differnt ways. [B]Code from: [URL]http://www.iportalx.net[/URL][/B]

Member Avatar for garsworld

We have a fairly complex system that uses ASP scripts to access a database and other global memory in the Application object. About 150 users access the system during the day. Every once in a while, the IIS server restarts (or maybe it is the Application object?). I have not …

Member Avatar for Mongz

Anyone please help me i want to add a splash screen on asp application. I want the splash which can appear for few seconds(E.g when u just log in here in this site)

Member Avatar for bondo

I'm using some (previously written by someone else who isn't around to ask anymore) VBScript to upload files to a webserver and on my upload processing page, there is a line that says: [CODE]Form.SizeLimit = &H100000[/CODE] I understand that the assignment means not to accept forms coming in that are …

Member Avatar for chewedpup

I'm using XP and Front Page 2002: I probably edited my website a month ago - no problem. Today I'm trying, I go to where I normally open up my website and I get this error message: "The server could not complete your request. Contact your ISP or web server …

Member Avatar for whisper_101

Hi Guys I am sending emails using cdo and SMTP Authentication in ASP. When I send emails to my clients who have Yahoo and Hotmail accounts the emails go into their spam/junk mail folders. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks w:)

Member Avatar for celalo

Hello, I was wondering if you can't use the content linker component with request.querystring urls. Here's the problem I have: I have 1 product detail page (bbowl_dt.asp) which shows different products according to the product id (phoid) clicked on the parent page. I want next and previous links below the …

Member Avatar for oliflorence

Hi, i am working on a project where I have to read a .txt file for a feed and parse the data line by line. I am using FSO in ASP to do this and it is working fine on small versions of the file, unfortunatly, the actual file is …

Member Avatar for closetosane
Member Avatar for katec

Hi. This should be simple for the experienced. This code pulls the first record twice, but the rest are fine. I can't figure it out! Thanks for looking! -------- [code=asp]<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("products.mdb")) set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") sql="SELECT Model, Volts_Hz, BTUH, Max_Amps, Max_Temp, '<a href='+Drawing+'>'+Model+'</a>' AS Drawing FROM VAirConditioners …

Member Avatar for katec
Member Avatar for bbqkaren

quick asp question (possibly dumb) I have a form setup which uses a php form submit post file. I may need to use an asp form submit post file. Will an I need to rename my file .asp in order to make this work? I have other php on the …

Member Avatar for LurkerPatrol

So I'm coding a form in html and ASP and so far I have it working perfectly in terms of going from one page of the form to the next and shooting off an email at the end as verification of the form input. What I've just inserted into the …

Member Avatar for closetosane
Member Avatar for ranialexander

Hi all I am facing a problem in posting some values to an asp file from an aspx. From my shopping cart project coded in aspx I have to post some values to an asp file. Code in the aspx file it is written as, [code] strParam = "mrfnbr=" + …

Member Avatar for renu_kj

Hi , I'm trying to read some details from Excel using ASP. The .xls sheet has got a column Time where the values are 00:00, 00:03 etc..but ASP is reading the first value as 0 & the second value as .3125 etc..so when writing to SQL Server database, I can't …

Member Avatar for sdtkmc
Member Avatar for whisper_101

Hi Guys I've built a Job Site and I want to prevent a user from applying for the same job twice. Each record has a unique identifier which is its PK from the database. I was thinking of placing the ID in Cookie is this the best way? and also …

Member Avatar for elreso
Member Avatar for oliflorence

Hello, I need to get images on a remote FTP server in an automated way and save them in a folder on my own server. I can do this file by file or using a list of files, which ever makes more sens. I am not sure where to start …

Member Avatar for pepe roni

[B]I'm very new to ASP and I'm trying to get a radio button group to work and it doesn't. Here's what I have:[/B] [code]If Request.Form("RadioGroup1")(1) <> "" Then messBody = messBody & "New" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf If Request.Form("RadioGroup1")(2) <> "" Then messBody = messBody & "Used" & vbCrLf & …

Member Avatar for punitdam
Member Avatar for vytla

hi friends , [code language = C#] i generated anchor control dynamically but the problem is i am not getting how to change on the color on anchor link visted pls give any idea to do this thanks in advance

Member Avatar for bondwithdbest
Member Avatar for minbor

Hello, I have a series of variables ending with a number and am trying (unsuccesfuly) to put them in a table using For Next loop. the code looks like this: [CODE] <% v1 = "text_1" v2 = "text_2" v3 = "text_3" %> <table border="1"> <% For x = 1 To …

Member Avatar for minbor
Member Avatar for smilsuren

i am [COLOR="Green"]beginner [/COLOR]for asp pleas suggest to me some sites to develop my asp knowledge

Member Avatar for smilsuren
Member Avatar for renu_kj

Need new functionality to force a user to change their password in a certain amount of time. The default timing for this rule will be 3months - when this rule is enforced display the date that password changes will take place. Then you must create a new table to track …

Member Avatar for dbatesx
Member Avatar for whisper_101

I have been able to retain the value in a listbox in asp when the user submits the form providing the user selects only one value from the list box - but how do I retain more than one value i.e. if the user selects more than one value? My …

Member Avatar for mystic2230
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, I have a LinkButton Add Record and a GridView Users. The LinkButton is outside the GridView. I didn't put the Button in the GridView because it wouldn't allow the user to add a new record in case of the GridView is empty at the beginning. What I'm trying to …


The End.