2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for SuperDa7o0o0m

Hi everybody! This is my code . I don't know what's wrong . The output should be 4CA9 . [code] .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA .CODE MAIN PROC ;initialize DS MOV AX,@DATA MOV DS,AX MOV CL,4 MOV BX,4CA9H MOV CX,4 TOP: MOV DL,BH SHR DL,CL CMP DL,10 JGE ELSE_ OR …

Member Avatar for thomasubcox
Member Avatar for chantak

Hi all, Well, I dont know if it is the best place to talk about this... but... I am developing one program that process texts, with a plugin system, and I need to make some type of anti-crash system in the plugin system... Well, this anti-crash system for what I …

Member Avatar for swappy

Hello guys... First of all I don't know if I starting this thread in a correct Section..If I`m wrong then sorry mods... Well I`m developing something from which you`ll be able to control any electrical item(Make it ON/OFF) from anywhere. I just wanted to know who will any company benefit …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for digantha
Member Avatar for sivak

can anyone tell me how to create a assembly ..and how do use it in our application..i am new for .net so only ...how do find out the error in dll?

Member Avatar for BlackSun
Member Avatar for Lilith24

So assembly language interrupts are signals to the OS asking it to perform an action based on what is in the register. I was thinking, what would happen if there is no OS on the device you are programming. If you can't use interrupts from the OS would you have …

Member Avatar for iyercb
Member Avatar for yuriythebest

right I'm trying to clear some things from this example code: [QUOTE] DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .STACK 200h .DATA OurString DB "This is a string of characters. " DB "Do you lack imagination? Put something interesting here!$" .CODE START: MOV AX, SEG OurString ; Move the segment where OurString is located …

Member Avatar for iyercb
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

Hi all, I would liek to know if its possible to read a text file in assembly I am currently using 8051 microcontroller and sending the text file from the PC to the microcontroller via the USB. Is there any way to read the content of the text file or …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for moh3en

I want get 2 variable for string 500 ( 250 for a varible and 250 for other variable) [code].model small .data maxlen db 255 actlen db ? str1 db 255 dup(?) str2 db 255 dup(?) msg1 db "Enter String 0 to 255$" msg2 db "Enter String 255 to 500$" .code …

Member Avatar for akb_behnam

Hi I am new in assembley and I need a sample source or a tutorial about mul of big numbers for example 10 disigts * 10 digits.

Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez
Member Avatar for resystor

I am new to assembly. I have writtem a program for my Z80. I have successfully assembled it. How do I make it to an EXE file?

Member Avatar for BlackSun
Member Avatar for winrawr

Just wondering, since assembly code is more or less what every other language is compiled into, would it be useful to learn how to do things in assembly before learning say, C or C++, pascal, python, etc? I am already fluent in Visual Basic but I want to get to …

Member Avatar for winrawr
Member Avatar for Lilith24

I am reading two e-books on assembly at the moment and have found a strange way of writing out the code and I had wondered if it was native to a certain assembler? I am used to code in the syntax of [QUOTE]mov eax, [input1] add eax, [input2] mov ebx, …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for loudstil

Hi to all, I wrote a code, and it gives me divide overflow, but the issue here is that when I run the program trough the debugger it works fine, but when I run the program in the dos mode it gives me Divide overflow error. here the code: [code=assembly] …

Member Avatar for loudstil
Member Avatar for iamstrange14

I'm trying to take a string of numbers and convert it to an actual number. I can successfully convert it if it's just one digit, but I'm unsure how to convert a number with two or more digits. [CODE=nasm] section .data str: db '3' ;string to be converted section .text …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ndalli

Hi, I am learning ASM and have encountered a problem. I have the following statements. When debugging I am seeing that the value in AL is not being inserted as 02h. On the other hand if I change "mov al, [myNumber]" to "mov al, 02h", I get the desired value. …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for muupp

hi,iwant ot read first 512 byte from my hard disk partitions i have to use ax=7305,cx=0ffffh,int 21h AX = 7305h CX = FFFFh DL = drive number (00h=default, 01h=A:, etc.) SI = read/write mode flags DS:BX -> disk I/O packet how can i determine sector and track like this : …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree

I am attempting to write assembly code for linux using nasm. I have an include file containing io functions that was originally written for windows using masm and I am trying to convert it. I have on procedure that I am having problems with. The procedure is supposed to recieve …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for orwell84

I've been looking for tutorials on x86 assembly language, and most that I've found have been dated. One actually says that the Pentium IV is the newest Intel processor...Anyway, the things I'm wondering are: 1. Has x86 assembly changed much in 10 years due to the huge advances made in …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for carson myers

so I have this working procedure that is basically like func. 09h of int 21h except it terminates at 00h, and it uses 01h-04h as control characters that determine the style of the text. I wrote it in the main procedure of a test program to get it working, and …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for carson myers

Sooooo I'm writing a program that involves a lot of writing to the screen and I want to do it at bios level. Mostly because the DOS calls can't do what I want to do, and also because I'm afraid to go all out and write directly to the vram. …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for carson myers

so, I want to avoid using int 21h and start working with BIOS level code. I'm trying to write something equivalent to int 21h, function 09h, using int 10h functions 09h, 03h, and 02h, except I want the reading to terminate when it reaches a 00h character, switch to green …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for kennethgalea

I'm very new to pic programming. I have a program which uses assembly language on a PIC16F84A microcontroller. This program does a simple approximation ADC. I know what it should do as a program but assembly is a new language for me!!!! Are there VERY GOOD tutorials and manuals on …

Member Avatar for SmokyMo

Hello, I need help with a puzzle I am trying to make in assembly. the description is down below There is a famous puzzle invented in the 19th century which you may have seen, or indeed tried to solve. Imagine a tray consisting of 16 spaces arranged in four rows. …

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for Almost
Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Doy123

Hello, I'm new to the forum. I studied x86 assembly about 25 years ago. I think we used a 8080 or 8086. It was all Dos back then, no Windows. Anyway, my career took me down another path and I would like to learn assembly again. My laptop and desktop …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Salizer

Hi, I have a problem with using variables in assembly. I´m new to assembly and I am trying to use Roby´s programming tutorial: [url]http://geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/3230/x86asm/asml1001.html[/url] The problem is that when I have declared a variable and try to move it. For example: ideal p286n model tiny codeseg org 100h var1 dw …

Member Avatar for Salizer
Member Avatar for windany

It is meant to count the first two numbers in the array and then place them in ascending order, but sth wrong. Any idea? [code=assembly] Code segment jmp main add1 dw 9,3,2,7,1,4,2,5,8,1 main: mov si,0 call orderab exit: mov ax,04c00h int 21h orderab: cmp add1[si],add1[si+2] jle finish mov ax,add1[si] mov …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for tictac

Hello, I'm new to assembly programming and I'm facing some problems using the "as/gcc" compiler on my MacBook. For example, it seems that I can't use labels for jmps/loops. The following code: [code] .intel_syntax noprefix ... ... cicle: <instructions> <instructions> <...> loop cicle [/code] Returns the error: "t.s:16:suffix or operands …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for ziggyz

Hello! I'm a newbie in assembly and i'm facing some difficulties with handling 64 bit integers in pcSpim. What i am trying to do is read a string, convert it to a 64-bit number and then store it in two 32-bit registers. Should i create a 'for' loop which reads …

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The End.