88 Topics

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Responding to the publication of a report which shows Amazon, Apple and Microsoft all scoring badly when it comes to a reliance upon 'dirty energy' to power their data centers, Apple has hit back with claims that the report over-estimates the power consumption of iCloud and projects being constructed to …

Member Avatar for Ginetta23
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, Microsoft has finally announced that the SkyDrive cloud storage product line is to be renamed OneDrive. This isn't as a result of disappointing user take up leading to a re-branding exercise, it's much more daft than that. Six months ago a judge in a UK court ruled that Microsoft …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I don't really means what cloud computing really means. I have this article: [Cloud Computing](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing) "he phrase is often used in reference to network-based services, which appear to be provided by real server hardware, and are in fact served up by virtual hardware, simulated by software running on one …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

That's the surprising consensus reached at a meeting of 30 CSOs representing some of the UK's leading enterprises held in London during the past week. This despite a poll at the bi-annual [URL="http://www.csointerchange.org"]CSO Interchange[/URL] event revealing that those same CSOs view social networking as the most over-hyped threat. When it …

Member Avatar for kategirdlelock
Member Avatar for HoverportMedia

Hello everyone, I may not be no SEO expert (yet), but during my studies of SEO, I was wondering about tag cloud generators. The reason I question these tag cloud generators is one, are they reliable in any sense and if they are, what is the one you would recommend? …

Member Avatar for jafrain_jaff
Member Avatar for lauraroxi

Is it possible/compatible to use Session Types in Java for a cloud-based application using Windows Azure (SDK for Java)?

Member Avatar for minitauros

Someone just notified me that a new free online space provider has launched, called Copy. If you know Dropbox: it's pretty much similar to that for as far as I can see now, only here you get a starting **15GB** for free (instead of 2? at Dropbox). They now have …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for hardmath

I'd been using [a cloud-based IDE](https://c9.io/) some for editing snippets of code/gists (integrates with GitHub), but it occurred to me this morning that instead of just using Google Drive as cloud-repository, I might use it as a code editor. Does anyone have tips on configuring Google Docs as a <insert …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for zCloudCommerce
Member Avatar for SJaved7
Member Avatar for happyvalentine

I am getting very cheap cloud server hosting packages from atlantic.net and they are saying that, it is VPS in the cloud But I don't understand, what does vps in the cloud mean? Can anybody please explain and clear my shaddyness? Here is the link of the VPS in the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for deecoup

Do you just love to code but hate maintaining the PHP environment? Do you think you’re spending too much time troubleshooting your code? If you are, the Zend Developer Cloud is for you!In this webinar we examine the galaxy’s latest, greatest developer solution; the Zend Developer Cloud, part of Zend’s …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for navi17

HEllo Friends, I am workng on online application which my clients will use on monthly bases. I have already purchase cloud server. I will also provide hostng services as well But i am confused at one point. Lets suppose 100 uses have registered and apply for my application. So do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ketan0202

im doing my college project in cloud computing. how can i implement cloud (using asp.net) where users can upload and download files .

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for neetika800

what are the drawbacks of Implementing digital signature with RSA encryption algorithm to enhance the Data Security of cloud in Cloud Computing.

Member Avatar for cambraydesign

Dear all, Any advice on this matter would be greatly received. We are a web development team and have experienced so many problem with dedicated servers going down, being hacked on a public cloud and just general loss of faith in the hosting world. We need a solution to our …

Member Avatar for cambraydesign
Member Avatar for everhett.raman

Hi guys, Came across few materials about win azure and wcf services for cloud computing. If anyone working on this platform and technology, can u please share your experience on: i) Performance (comparison to clustering) ii) Manageability (deployment) iii) Scalability (when the server farm expands) Thank you in advance, would …

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Member Avatar for brugernavn

Hey, I have a couple of questions about cloud computing. Now, If i connect 10 computers together in a cloud, can I consider the 10 computers to be one big computer? If i have 3 computers with 100Gb hdd each, connectet in a cloud. Can i so make a vm …

Member Avatar for thelostboy
Member Avatar for Mourin @ Dell

Hey everyone, Our team at Dell SMB has recently put together a [Slideshare](http://goo.gl/oJtjH) of our most popular white papers. I hope this is helpful to the Daniweb community! Thanks, Mourin

Member Avatar for hcompston

Hi I am currently working on an honours level dissertation in the field of cloud computing and particularly the areas of online backups. To gather primary data I have put together a simple 5 min survey that should provide me with enough information to either prove or reject my hypothesis. …

Member Avatar for jbennet

Not quite sure if this belongs in networking, linux, or what... Anyway, Opensource dropbox-type software? Ive got a VPS and I want to use it for cloud storage. Is there any opensource software to sync folders to a server in this way? Has to run on Linux.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for happygeek

British software developer Conseal Security has just launched a rather clever solution to the problem of securing the data on your portable media such as USB thumb drives and portable hard drives while at the same time maintaining fully centralized control of the management of those devices without breaking the …

Member Avatar for 07knev
Member Avatar for araib

I want to ask a question When i say i am deploying application on the cloud its means that my application is basically on the my computer and API's provide basiclly provide server requests to my computer? Is application uploaded to the server? or still on my computer? Can anyone …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for araib

I am preparing to make a project "Accessing SANS through application on the cloud" the objective of the project is deploy a SAN in our company and allow users to upload and use data through application stored at Google App Engine. Is this achieveable? if yes then how could application …

Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, Which Could Service do you recommend to purchase, so I can use it to learn how it works, how to change configuration of this cloud, install php there etc.? I need this to be cheap and have an usual cloud environment, so if my client has a cloud from …

Member Avatar for Pri Bhowmik
Member Avatar for happygeek

DaniWeb has looked at Network Attached Storage in the shape of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review308073.html"]myDitto server which offers excellent value in terms of both cost and capacity[/URL]. DaniWeb has looked at a personal cloud device in the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review260663.html"]very pink format of PogoPlug which is great for anytime and anywhere sharing[/URL]. DaniWeb has …

Member Avatar for PeterM88
Member Avatar for Azmah

Hi everyone, My friends and I are looking at getting a domain and hosting (at least vps or cloud, minimum). I would like to know everything I need to know before even handing our money over. I really don't want to break any laws in any countries, I want us …

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for georgeoshardo

I recently formatted my hard drive and I've re-installed Office, all my OneNote notebooks are synced to the cloud. I opened OneNote, newly installed, and signed into my Skydrive account but nothing syncs, nothing downloads from the server, so I have no notebooks. Opening Skydrive in a browser and downloading …

Member Avatar for BTCG07
Member Avatar for geekme

Hello, I have to develop a cloud with several stand alone apps .I would like to know what language is used to develop a cloud.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://aws.amazon.com"]Amazon Web Services[/URL] (AWS) uses it. [URL="http://www.elastichosts.com"]Elastichosts[/URL] uses it. [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] uses it. Yahoo uses it. [URL="http://www.engineyard.com"]Engine Yard[/URL] uses it. [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] uses it. "It" is Linux, of course. But what else do all these companies have in common? If you said "cloud technology," you're correct. Perhaps the best known of all …

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Member Avatar for avi4ya

The End.