2,070 Topics

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Member Avatar for tchiloh

How do i connect to a database from c# with compact framework. (PDA) the database runs on the desktop. i use Pervasive on the destop. i want write directly on the desktop. is that possible, and how?

Member Avatar for tchiloh
Member Avatar for cityboy

I am trying to find out how i would include the option to upload a picture as part of a form. i need help with the following: 1. how to add picture upload to form 2. how to store image in folder with the location stored in the database. 3. …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello, I'd like to get help for a database engine in Python. I know that there are loads of databases out there and I cannot create one which would be even near as good as SQL but I'd like to do it for getting a good understanding of databases and …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi, I created a script which I use to clean my database from missing entries. With it I both check if a file on the server is missing a database entry and if a database entry exist with no corresponding file on the server. The user first submits a form …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello, I've been working on this self-made database. What do you think about it? What features should I create for it? I'd also like to get help in a select method, because I don't have the foggiest idea how it could be done. And what about making it a database …

Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello all. im new to mySQL database so dont know very much so sorry if its a daft question. I have a mySQL database with a company called 5quidhosting but my hosting is with heart internet. Can i get a web page hosted with heart to access the database on …

Member Avatar for nats01282
Member Avatar for Voulnet

Hello there fellow users, I have been entrusted with the task of designing and implementing a financial system for a charity foundation where I live. The charity foundation requires its work (addition and retrieval of records, for example) to be done online, using a web app. The app connects to …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi! Basically, what I'm trying to do is a site for online storage of my own files, like Microsofts SkyDrive service. One thing I'm wondering about is what way that would be most effective to organize the files? My first thought was that when I upload the files to the …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for gianrocks

hey all, i have a project that is like a server and a terminal interface. the server is the one that can only make changes in the database and the terminal is more of storing what is in the database. here is the problem, i have stored a PDF file …

Member Avatar for Ranx
Member Avatar for gandhimathi

ADODB Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified i downloading odbc driver for php...i paste that drivers in php ext directory....then also i m getting this error...anybody help me

Member Avatar for Roax

:( I am have been trying to update changes from my vb.net program to an access database file and it simply will not work. I have am using table adapters. I'm not familiar with SQL so i can't go that route. It updates the dataset fine but not the database... …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for wowaha

Hi, everyone! I'm new to DaniWeb and also to PHP and MySQL. I have a script, previewfile.php, that extracts files of various file types (currently .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, and .pdf) from a MySQL database and is supposed to display them to the user. I'm encountering difficulties in displaying the …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for joewazen

Hello, I have an interface containing a table, i need to link that table to the DB Table so that it will automatically reflect the changes done in the DB Table to the Interface table. i.e: if someone (manually or another WEB Application) updated the DB table i want the …

Member Avatar for MxDev
Member Avatar for supriya mysore

i have a combo box in vb6.0 which i need to get a column of data from oracle database, how can i extract a perticular column of data to a combo box

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Lakshith

In my database I have a field date and eventname.I want to retieive eventnames after the current date.How can I do it?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for blackviper04

OK I have an assignment on my Access course, I find this site really good and require some help if possible. Basically I have a login screen which checks the Access Database I am using the code I have is this: [code] Username = txtUsername.Text Password = txtPassword.Text 'Following code …

Member Avatar for Smith5646
Member Avatar for HelpMeIT

I need a way of adding data to a database using my delphi form i can handle the sql to add data to a database on ms access but i just do not know how to do it through a delphi form. In other word i just need to know …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for moyphus

Hi, i need to read the database connection properties,driver class, username and password in java code...How can i read that using some properties....

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi everybody I have been developing windows client application in .net framework 3.5. The system is supposed to copy the remote mysqldb and restore my local mysqldb with all the schema and data withing remote schema to my local mysqldb with the same database name. Well i found a solution …

Member Avatar for mattaseymour

I have created an application using C# which makes use of a MSSQL Express database. Now that my project is completed I would like to package the application and database into a single executable which can be run on any machine making use of the .net 3.5 framework. My questions …

Member Avatar for mmanimkce
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for Daniel_Crouse

Hi I'am a beginner in C#. I would like to know how to connect to a database using C#. I'am using Visual Studio 2008.

Member Avatar for Daniel_Crouse
Member Avatar for 15389049

I am working on a project, its purpose is to search a database and display the results in a data list so they can be used. I have the search working correctly but it only outputs to a data grid. Help please! [CODE] Protected Sub Button2_OnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for 15389049
Member Avatar for shellthor

I am having a problem updating an access database with new information from an updated dataset. the database consists of 4 columns: User_ID, Login_Name, Password, Access. The following code makes a connection to the database, fills a dataset with the data from the database, reads a txt file with user …

Member Avatar for mikiurban
Member Avatar for 15389049

I am trying to search a database using a user defined string from a text box. I am getting an error message with the "objectadaptor.Fill" Here is the code: [code] Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data.SqlTypes Partial Class Search Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for shibbard
Member Avatar for avirag

Hi all, i am making a c# window application,in which i am entering marks of students of individual subjects in database. Now, how can i pick these values from database dynamically and draw the pie chart and bar graph of these marks. I want that as i click on button, …

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for Rudolfovich

Hi2all! What better use for working with databases in C + + and win32api? (static lib with source code, classes or simple source code, examples)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for frankycool

I have an arraylist As such :- products.add( new CarsSubProduct( "FordMustang",1,1000,10000 ) ); FordMustang is Car name 1 is Car number 1000 is total number of cars in stock 10000 is price per car I will like to Store it to access database or excel.Please how can these be done.

Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, When i enter a new record in SQL Database from my C# application, the record stores in the database at random locations, but i want to make sure that every record must be enter at the end of the Table. Actually i have to get the Last Balance …

Member Avatar for jpattison
Member Avatar for denni2727

At the moment Im developing a java application but Im having a problem. Im using a JFrame that takes different JPanels, I mean i change its ContentPane for another JPanel everytime i want to show new information. Im using a database too, im reading data from it im writing them …

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The End.